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Its by the Supreme Court.

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Q: After a law is passed if it is in conflict with the Constitution it can be made void by what?
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If congress passes a new law that conflicts with the constitution are you required to follow the new law or the US Constitution?

Sometimes Congress passes laws that are in conflict with the Constitution. Should this happen, the Supreme Court will place a ruling on the law making it void. This is because the US constitution is the supreme law of the country, and no law is allowed to go against it.

Changing the Constitution?

The Constitution cannot be changed. The rules an provisions may be amended from time to time for clarification, but only so long as the amendment is not in direct conflict with the original intent of the founding document. If an amendment is in conflict with a rule or principle expressed in the Constitution it is unconstitutional, and therefore null and void from the time of its passage.

Judicial review is the power to declare a government action that violates some provisions of the constitution to be what?

Judicial review is the power to declare a government action that violates some provisions of the constitution to be null and void. This is as a result of the action being in contravention with the provisions of the constitution.

What is important about the court voiding a law?

The court has to take into consideration whether a law is considered constitutional or unconstitutional depending on whether a law is upheld by the constitution or not. The constitution has to support a law for it not to be void.

How can the supreme court check the legislature and the executive?

The Supreme Court interpret the law so if a law is passed that goes against the constitution they review it and make a decision. The decision will keep the law or change it. In some cases the law is overthrown completely.

Related questions

After a law has passed, if it conflicts with the Constitution, it can be made void by the _________.?

Supreme Court

If your state passed a law that conflicted with the US Constitution what would happen?

It could be declared null and void as being contrary to the United States Constitution.

What is the power to hold unconstitutional void and enforceable any law or official action which is in conflict with the US Constitution?

Judicial review.

What is the process to have laws declared unconstitutional?

Judicial Review; It is the process of the supreme court to declare laws null and void if they pose conflict to the constitution.

If congress passes a new law that conflicts with the constitution are you required to follow the new law or the US Constitution?

Sometimes Congress passes laws that are in conflict with the Constitution. Should this happen, the Supreme Court will place a ruling on the law making it void. This is because the US constitution is the supreme law of the country, and no law is allowed to go against it.

Changing the Constitution?

The Constitution cannot be changed. The rules an provisions may be amended from time to time for clarification, but only so long as the amendment is not in direct conflict with the original intent of the founding document. If an amendment is in conflict with a rule or principle expressed in the Constitution it is unconstitutional, and therefore null and void from the time of its passage.

A contract is null and void in the case where one part is in error as to the contract itself?

no, only that part is bad. if that were the case, the constitution would be null and void.

Where in the constitution does it give the President the power to limit immigrants entering the US?

This is not is in the constitution. The constitution gives Congress the power to restrict immigration. The president has the power and the duty to enforce immigration laws passed by Congress. I can not tell you exactly what the immigration laws are, but actions of the president concerning immigration must be based on immigration laws. If not, federal courts can rule them void and disallow them.

Does this world know that lucifer has already made his stand on earth and was captured and locked in heaven after this earth was made void?

I think you were made void.

What is the Supremuacy Clause in the constitution?

The Supremacy Clause refers to Article VI, paragraph 2 in the Constitution which states "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding." Basically, Federal Law and the Constitution are the supreme law, and any other laws which contradict them are void.

What are the features of void contract?

Features An agreement made by incompetent parties (Minor/Lunatic Person) is void. Any agreement with a bilateral mistake is void. Agreements which have unlawful consideration is void. Agreement with a unlawful object is void. Agreements made without consideration is void. Agreement in restraint of marriage of any major person is void (absolute restriction). Agreement in restraint of trade is void.(reasonable reason) An agreement the terms of which are uncertain is void. An agreement by way of wager (betting/gambling) is void. An agreement contingent upon the happening of an impossible event is void. Agreement to do impossible acts is void.

How can objects be passed as a function parameters in c?

Possible ways: void byvalue (MyClass param); void byptr (MyClass *paramptr); void byref (MyClass &paramref); MyClass c; byvalue (c); byptr (&c); byref (c);