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Q: All of the following have the authority to function as courts of original jurisdiction except?
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Which of the following is not included in the supreme courts original jurisdiction?

cases in which the president appoints the attorney

The jurisduction of court to hear disputes as a trial court is termed?

Original jurisdiction refers to a court's authority to hear disputes as a trial court; these courts determine the facts of a case. Whereas an appellate jurisdiction refers to a court's ability to review and/or revise cases already decided by a trial court. Therefore, the answer to your question is Original Jurisdiction.

Which of the following statements does not accurately describe federal district courts like what court?

Like the Supreme Court, they can have original jurisdiction.

What important function serves the supreme court in the U.S. federal government?

It has original jurisdiction over, and therefore the power to resolve, disputes between states. -Apex :)

The Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction for cases involving which officials?

According to Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution, the US Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over cases:affecting ambassadors and other public ministers and consulsdisputes between the states (original and exclusive jurisdiction, see 28 U.S.C. § 1251)Currently, the US Supreme Court only exercises original jurisdiction in disputes between the states; per 28 USC § 1251, the Court has concurrent original jurisdiction with the US District Courts over cases involving ambassadors. Congress allocated original jurisdiction over cases involving foreign officials to the US District Courts, because the Supreme Court does not have original and exclusive jurisdiction. Original jurisdiction is shared with the US District Courts.In all other cases the Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction.

Related questions

Original jurisdiction in a sentence?

The Supreme Court of the United States of America has original jurisdiction in very few limited circumstances. Original Jurisdiction is the authority to hear a case first. Orange County had original jurisdiction but he was transferred to Miami/Dade to stand trial for murder.

Which jurisdiction will give the High Court authority to hear cases regarding admiralty and contempt of court?

original jurisdiction.

What is the authority to rehear a court case first?

The authority to hear a case is called jurisdiction. The court with authority to try the case, or hear it first, has original jurisdiction; the court(s) that review the case on appeal have appellate jurisdiction.If the case is remanded for a new trial (or reheard, I suppose), it returns to the court of original jurisdiction.

What best describes the courts authority to hear cases before they have been appealed?

original jurisdiction

What is the definition of a hierarchical jurisdiction?

Hierarchical jurisdiction refers to differences in court functions and court responsibilities with regard to specific cases •Two types: original and appellate - If a court has original jurisdiction then that court has the authority to try a case and decide it (the origin of the case) - If a court has appellate jurisdiction then that court has the authority to review cases which have already been reviewed by other courts

What branch has the authority to hear and decide a court case for the first time?

The Judicial branch includes all the federal courts. The court's authority to hear a case is called jurisdiction; the authority to hear a case for the first time is called "original jurisdiction."

What term best describes the courts authority to hear cases before they have been appealed?

original jurisdiction

Which of the following is not included in the supreme courts original jurisdiction?

cases in which the president appoints the attorney

The first court to hear a court case and make a decision has?

Jurisdiction is a court's authority to decide a case or issue a decree. Jurisdiction can arise from a geographical area, subject matter or personal jurisdiction over a person.The first court to hear a case has original jurisdiction. In some cases more than one court may have original jurisdiction depending on the subject matter. We call that concurrent jurisdiction and the litigant has the right to choose the court in which to file.You can read about the different aspects of jurisdiction at the link provided below.

Does trial court have an appelate jurisdiction concurrent jurisdiction original jurisdiction or federal juridiction?

Original jurisdiction

What is a courts ability to hear a case known as?

The power or authority of a court to hear and decide a specific case is known as original jurisdiction.

What does Jurisdictional mean?

What is Jurisdiction?Jurisdiction means the power, right and authority to interpret and apply law.There are various types of jurisdiction, but the broadest categories are appellate jurisdiction (the right to hear a case on appeal from another court) and original jurisdiction, (the right to hear the case as the original trial court).Both are related to subject-matter jurisdiction which determines the type of case (subject) a court may hear and personal jurisdiction, the determines the entities whose cases the court may judge, as opposed to territorial jurisdiction, which covers the physical area over which the court has authority.The US Supreme Court has territorial jurisdiction over the entire United States and its holdings.1. the right, power, or authority to administer justice by hearingand determining controversies.2.power; authority; control: He has jurisdiction over allAmerican soldiers in the area.3.the extent or range of judicial, law enforcement, or otherauthority: This case comes under the jurisdiction of the localpolice.4.the territory over which authority is exercised: All islands tothe northwest are his jurisdiction.