According to the Constitution of the U.S., the President cannot make laws.
Article I of the US Constitution establishes the Legislative Branch, defining the structure of the two houses of Congress and the powers of each. The article also defines the qualifications for elections and the congressional terms. (For the text and links to amendments, see the related link.)
There is no Article 18 of the US Constitution.
Article Two (2) of the great constitution of our great country the United States of America
Strictly, not enough information to answer. Are you referring to which part of the constitution the president is mentioned in? Are you referring to the part of the constitution that talks about precedent? What country/region/organization are you referring to?
Article II
Article II, which provides for the powers of the Executive Branch
There is no Article 18 of the US Constitution.
The Constitution states that the vice-president shall serve as president of the US Senate. The vice-president has no vote in Senate matters unless there is a tie vote, in which case, the vice-president casts the deciding vote. See Article I, Section 3, Clause 4 of the US Constitution.
Yes, It States it article two of the US Constitution.
yes it states that in article two of the us constitution
The branch of the United States government that has to do with the president of the US is the EXECUTIVE branch. This is basically ALL of Article 2 in the constitution.
It is written into the US Constitution. Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the US Constitution sets the requirements to hold office. One of these requirements is that the President must be a natural born citizen of the United States.
There is no article in the U.S. Constitution that establishes the internal revenue service. The authority to establish the internal revenue service was part of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution which was passed under President Woodrow Wilson.
Article II gives this information . See the related question for more detail.
Yes, the specific wording is in the US Constitution(Article Two, Section One, Clause Eight)