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It is unclear in the wording of the Twenty-Second Amendment to the Constitution could run for the vice president's position for three terms. Its unclear because no one has ever attempted to do this before and it hasn't been tested in court. Its omission indicates that it would be possible to do so.

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If the current president isn't going to seek re-election, the vice president can run. Like, Dick Cheney could have run during this election since Bush can't run again.

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If he/she has not been elected President twice, or he/she has not been elected President once and served as President at least two additional years, he/she may run.

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Yes, the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution limits only the number of times someone may be elected President. There remains no term limits for Vice Presidents.

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Q: Can a vice president run for President while in office?
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The Vice-President.

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The Vice-President rarely becomes President, and then it is usually because the previous President died while in office.

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The 25th Amendment !

Does The Vice-President always becomes President after the President finishes serving his term?

The Vice-President rarely becomes President, and then it is usually because the previous President died while in office.

Does the vice president always become president after the president finishes serving his term?

The Vice-President rarely becomes President, and then it is usually because the previous President died while in office.

Can a vice president leave office and run for president?

A vice-president does not have to resign his office in order to run for President. Martin Van Buren, Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, George H. W. Bush and Al Gore all ran for President while holding the office of vice-president.

Who becomes the vice president if the president was to die?

If the President of the United States died while in office, then the Vice-President would be sworn in as President and there would be no Vice-President until either the next Presidential election, or if the new President nominates a Vice-President which is then confirmed or rejected by Congress. There have been several instances in U.S. history where the President was either assassinated, or died of various causes while in office, and their Vice-President became the next President. In some cases, a new Vice-President was never selected, and the new President served out the remainder of the deceased President's term without a Vice President.

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Nobody. A president continues to serve in office when he is impeached. If he is convicted and removed from office, the vice-president becomes president, same as if the president were to die.