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Q: Conservatives believe in the philosophy of rugged individualism while liberals want to look out for?
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Why are there crosscutting cleavages between liberals and conservatives in America?

There are crosscutting cleavages between liberals and conservatives because the issues that are causing these crosscutting cleavages are issues that liberals (people who are willing to disregard traditional values in politics) and conservatives (people who believe traditional values are important in politics) are debating over. They have opposite views over these matters. These crosscutting cleavages are based on race, ethnicity, religion, region, and education.

Why do liberals believe that the importance of liberty and equal rights?

Liberals and conservatives in America believe in the importance of liberty and equal rights. The problem for both groups tends to come up with regards to money, position and even race or gender. Our constitution says all men (meaning both men and women) are created equal which should mean we all have the same rights to start out with. But, because we are human, it all gets muddied up somewhere at a very early age. Try as we will humans have always found reasons to discriminate against other humans. In fact even the liberals and conservatives have found ways to discriminate against each other. Basically we all want the same things. Its just that some folks believe they will have to make the extra effort to get it and others think they should be entitled to it. Hopefully you and your friends can come up with a better solution because my generation sure hasn't solved it yet.

Are liberals always liberal on all issues?

No, as you can get social liberals and economic liberals. For example, a liberal may be pro-choice and support gun control, but believe the government should reduce its role in the economy. Or vice versa.

Differences between classical and modern liberalism?

Classical Liberalism supports:- laissez-faire liberalism- limited government involvement- free market-capitalist society- individual property rights-individualismModern Liberalism supports:- government involvement-crade to grave welfare-free tradeBoth support freedom. Classical liberals believe that leaving everyone alone achieves the most freedom. Modern liberals believe that unless the state provides welfare, the poor are not free.

What is an ultra-conservative view?

There is no one official "ultra- conservative" view, although ultra-conservatives do share certain beliefs and perceptions. Ultra conservatives generally believe the government should be as small as possible and tax the citizens only enough to provide for the common defense of our country. They usually also believe the United States should not be involved in world events any more than necessary for our own safety and well being. It should also be mentioned that in America, there are several kinds of ultra-conservatives. One kind is dominated by a particular interpretation of Christianity, and is very anti-abortion, as well as opposed to gay marriage. Some ultra-conservatives also oppose contraception and are against divorce as well. Other ultra-conservatives believe the government has no duty to provide a social safety net for its citizens, and this group opposes such American social programs as Social Security and Medicare. These ultra-conservatives believe private enterprise (churches, civic groups, etc), rather than the government, should take care of the poor and the needy.

Related questions

What do conservatives do for us?

Conservatives believe in keeping freedoms and repelling laws that go against the Constitution so if it wasnt for conservatives many laws would be passed that are unconstitutional such as taking away guns (one of the biggest controversies between liberals and conservatives)

Why are there crosscutting cleavages between liberals and conservatives in America?

There are crosscutting cleavages between liberals and conservatives because the issues that are causing these crosscutting cleavages are issues that liberals (people who are willing to disregard traditional values in politics) and conservatives (people who believe traditional values are important in politics) are debating over. They have opposite views over these matters. These crosscutting cleavages are based on race, ethnicity, religion, region, and education.

What are the issues liberals and conservatives tend to support and oppose?

Liberals believe in socially progressive ideas ( gay rights, race rights) and public programs for the poor and needy. (Public health care) Conservatives believe in the power of private enterprise and no public programs (Privatize social security) . Many have socially regressive ideas (prop 8 ect)

What is wrong with the liberal brain?

The presumption that something is "wrong" with Liberals is incorrect. There is nothing wrong with having an opinion different than the one with you are accustomed. If there is a particular issue about liberal policy that a non-liberal finds confusing, such as a liberal's view on gun policy, a liberal's view on welfare, a liberal's view on the military, or a liberal's theory on economic policy, please ask that with a degree of specificity and neutrality. I.e. "How does a liberal justify universal healthcare?" or "Why do liberals want to restrict gun ownership rights when the Constitution requires them to not be infringed?" Conservatives may find it difficult to believe, but Liberals do, generally, have a rational and complex thought pattern. Liberals find Conservatives, oftentimes, just as confusing an irrational as Conservatives find Liberals.

Conservatism and liberalism?

Conservatives and liberals are on the opposite ends of the political spectrum. Generally, conservatives believe in small amounts of government intervention - i.e., no government controlled businesses, a true free-market system, etc. Liberals, quite easily, are typically the opposite. A liberal will usually believe that some government intervention is unavoidable or necessary, such as social security, the recent aiding of financially unstable banks, and the even more recent public healthcare bill.

What are the Beliefs of liberals?

Liberals generally believe in more government involvement in our lives. For example they are for entitlement programs such as welfare, and social security. They also believe that things like abortion, and gay marriage should be legal. Primarily most middle and lower class people are liberal, because liberals are for usually for helping "Main Street America." However, there are always exceptions to the rule. For instance, some conservatives are for Main Street, and some upper class citizens are identified as liberals.

What is the principle belief of conservatives?

Conservatives feel that there should be less government interference.

What are the difference between liberals and conseratives?

You will get a variety of answers to this question, some more biased than others. Liberals will argue about the innate evil of corporations and capitalism, the place our country has in the world, and protection of minorities and other oppressed groups. Conservatives will argue that individual rights and personal liberty, both economic and social, must not be interfered with by governments or any authoritative body. I feel it boils down to a difference in the view of human nature. Liberals believe that people are fundamentally good for the most part. Conservatives believe that people are fundamentally flawed. The majority of the differences in their respective policies and rhetoric stem from this difference.

What does it mean when someone is a lieral?

A "literal" person is someone who interprets things in a very strict and factual way, without allowing for metaphorical or symbolic meanings. This can sometimes lead them to miss nuances or deeper meanings in communication or art.

Why don't American CONSERVAtives believe in CONSERVAtion?

They are not Conservatives. Teddy Roosevelt was a Conservative.

What are the liberal beliefs?

Liberals generally believe in more government involvement in our lives. For example they are for entitlement programs such as welfare, and social security. They also believe that things like abortion, and gay marriage should be legal. Primarily most middle and lower class people are liberal, because liberals are for usually for helping "Main Street America." However, there are always exceptions to the rule. For instance, some conservatives are for Main Street, and some upper class citizens are identified as liberals.

True or false liberals believe that institutions are unchangeable?

false-novanet Liberals are an imaginary entity and therefore believe whatever the one imagining believes they believe.