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If the president dies or is incapacitated to perform his responsibilities, or he is impeached, then the vice president would take over.

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if the president was somehow a US Born Iraqi

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Q: Describes the sequence of events that would install the vice president as acting president against the will of the president?
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Who is the president of the senate in the United States?

The Vice-President of the United States is the President of the US Senate. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Vice President of the United States, became President of the Senate on January 20, 2009. He is not a member of the Senate but can vote in case of a tie vote.The Vice President of the United States presides over the US Senate. He cannot vote unless there is a tie vote. But on a daily basis, this role is fulfilled by a senior senator, the President pro tempore, or his designates.Joe Biden is the current US Vice President. His term will expire on Jan. 20, 2017. Patrick Leahy, from Vermont is the senate president pro tempore which is a position elected by the Senate and filled by a senior senator.The Vice President of the US holds this position. He can vote in case of a tie vote, but due to closure rules, it takes 60% to pass anything and he can not vote to create the 60%.The vice-president acts as the president of the Senate. Right now, that person is named Joe Biden.~President of the Senate: Joe Biden (Since January 20, 2009) ~President pro tempore: Robert Byrd (Since January, 4, 2007) ~Source: US Senate: Senators Home~

Kitchen Cabinet Doors?

form_title= Kitchen Cabinet Doors form_header= Install cabinet doors in your kitchen. What type of door would you like to install?*= _ [50] What type of handle would you like?*= _ [50] Do you need to remove old doors?*= () Yes () No

What year did the government mandate that automakers install seatbelts?

1966 across the US - other states i.e. California had the law in effect much earlier I believe.

Why is the system of checks and balances important?

Checks and balances is important because it allows the Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches to limit each other's power.Checks and balances are important because it keeps any one branch of the government from getting too much power.

Who were the parties in the Marbury v. Madison case?

William Marbury, William Harper, Robert R. Hooe, and Dennis Ramsay were the plaintiffs (actually petitioners); US Secretary of State James Madison was the nominal respondent.William Marbury petitioned the US Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus (a judicial order commanding an official take, or refrain from taking, an action within his scope of responsibility) against US Secretary of State James Madison because Madison refused to deliver the justice of the peace commission former President John Adams granted Marbury. Marbury was unable to assume office without the sealed commission.Chief Justice John Marshall presided over the trial. Marshall, coincidentally, had been Secretary of State under President Adams, and was responsible for delivering Marbury's commission. Unfortunately, the administration changed before he had an opportunity to complete the assignment, and he assumed James Madison would complete the task for him.When the new President, Thomas Jefferson, discovered how John Adams had attempted to install 58 new judges immediately before leaving office, he decided to thwart as many of the appointments as possible. Marbury was one of a handful of men whose commissions were side-lined in this way.Case Citation:Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137 (1803)For more information on Marbury v. Madison, see Related Links, below.

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The forum site has a "howto" section with a post that describes how to install the instrument cluster.

25th amendment sequence of events to install vice president?

The events are as follows: 1. The VP and a majority of cabinet officers write a declaration of the President's inability and send it to the president Pro Tempore of the Senate and the speaker of the House. 2. The Vice president becomes acting President 3. The President writes a declaration declaring his capability and resumes office. 4. The VP and a majority of Cabinet Officers again declare the President's inability . 5. Both houses by 2/3 majority declare that the president is incapable of performing hs duties 6. The VP continues as acting president. There are time limits given for each step and default actions if the time limits are not met. My understanding is that steps 3, 4 and 5 can be repeated.

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no the gasket should be rubber and should be bendable all you do is install it in the correct position and tighten the bolts in the right sequence

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Yes, you can install install playground equipment as long as it is not against policies. If you are in subdivision that has policies, you might want to check that out before you start to build.

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The ability to install a new legislature.

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the prez installed a spliff and bob marley led it

Who filled president of the US when Thomas Woodrow Wilson had his stroke?

People said that his wife as President. It is true that she decided who could see him and the order in which papers were submitted to him. At that time, there was no way to install an acting president.

How do you replace a starter in a 94 trooper?

Disconnect battery, remove electric wires from starter, remove mounting bolts, install new part in reverse sequence.