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President Franklin D. Roosevelt's legs were paralyzed due to poliomyelitis in 1921.

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Roosevelt suffered from polio. The disease caused him to be paralyzed from the chest down.

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Q: Did Franklin Roosevelt lose the use of his legs?
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Why Franklin D. Roosevelt on the weelchair?

Franklin Roosevelt had an illness called Polio, which restricted the use of his legs.

Who served his whole presidency without the use of his legs?

President Franklin Roosevelt. He had polio

What physical challenge did Franklin D Roosevelt face?

He was a paraplegic, which meant he couldn't use his legs.

What president use a wheelchair?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Was President Franklin D Roosevelt able to walk?

if you are talking about Franklin Delanor Roosevelt then yes

What was Franklin D Roosevelt's physical limitation in office?

FDR was crippled from polio before he took office and had only limited use of his legs.

What US president was a paraplegic?

Franklin Deleno Roosevelt was paraplegic, meaning he could not use his legs. The disability was caused by polio and it paralyzed him from the waist down.

What body part was Franklin D. Roosevelt born without?

Franklin roosevelt was born with all of his body parts. but what you mean was probably related to him having the disability to use his see he was placed on crutched and arm braces because he had a desease that traveled through his chest to his ancles and that desease caused him to have this disability to walk or use his legs,arms,and anything in between his chest and ancles.

When was Roosevelt first on TV?

Theodore Roosevelt, and for that matter Franklin D. Roosevelt, both died long before TV came into general use.

Who initiated the use of executive agreements in foreign policy matters?

Franklin Roosevelt

Who was the first US president make effective use of television?

That is Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Happy Days are here again was what presidents theme song?

FDR and most democrats use this as a basic theme