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Absolutely. The administration, especially through Attorney General Robert Kennedy, lead the cause of civil rights in the early 1960s. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the natural culmination of these efforts, even though it was passed in the Johnson administration.

Of course, Johnson had been Kennedy's VP, so he was familiar with the effort.

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Yes the Civil Rights Movement was going on

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False: President Kennedy did not sign the civil rights act of 1963.

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yes it is true and continued by President Johnson

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No but he supported Civil Rights.

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Q: Did president Kennedy sign the civil rights act of 1963?
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Who was the President of America from 1962 to 1965?

From 1960 to 1963 it was John F. Kennedy. Then Lyndon Baines Johnson became president for the rest of the period you have specified.From 1960 to 1963 it was John F. Kennedy. Then Lyndon Baines Johnson became president for the rest of the period you have specified.From 1960 to 1963 it was John F. Kennedy. Then Lyndon Baines Johnson became president for the rest of the period you have specified.From 1960 to 1963 it was John F. Kennedy. Then Lyndon Baines Johnson became president for the rest of the period you have specified.From 1960 to 1963 it was John F. Kennedy. Then Lyndon Baines Johnson became president for the rest of the period you have specified.From 1960 to 1963 it was John F. Kennedy. Then Lyndon Baines Johnson became president for the rest of the period you have specified.From 1960 to 1963 it was John F. Kennedy. Then Lyndon Baines Johnson became president for the rest of the period you have specified.From 1960 to 1963 it was John F. Kennedy. Then Lyndon Baines Johnson became president for the rest of the period you have specified.From 1960 to 1963 it was John F. Kennedy. Then Lyndon Baines Johnson became president for the rest of the period you have specified.From 1960 to 1963 it was John F. Kennedy. Then Lyndon Baines Johnson became president for the rest of the period you have specified.From 1960 to 1963 it was John F. Kennedy. Then Lyndon Baines Johnson became president for the rest of the period you have specified.

Did the government change in 1963?

In November 1963 President Kennedy was killed. His vice-president, Lyndon Johnson, took over as president. He promised to continue Kennedy's programs. So the personnel of the government changed, but not the direction.

What president was vice president and then got the president spot because the president died?

In the 1960 campaign, Johnson, as John F. Kennedy's running mate, was elected Vice President. On November 22, 1963, when Kennedy was assassinated, Johnson was sworn in as President.

When did Lyndon B. Johnson become president?

Lyndon B. Jonson died at the age of 64 years old.

Who was US president in July 1962?

John F. Kennedy was President in July 1962; he was elected in 1960 and assassinated in 1963.

Related questions

Was president Kennedy assassinated before civil rights bill was passed by congress?

Yes he was. President Kennedy was assasinated on november 22, 1963 and civil rights bill were passed in july 2, 1964

Was President Johnson the originator of the civil rights legislation that was eventually passed by Congress?

No, President John F. Kennedy was the originator of the civil rights legislation that eventually passed Congress. Kennedy called for a civil rights bill in a speech on June 11, 1963. He later met with legislative leaders and sent his civil rights bill to Congress on June 19, 1963. He continued to work with legislative leaders on the civil rights legislation until his death on November 22, 1963.Following Kennedy's death, President Lyndon B. Johnson used his experience and influence in support of the Civil Rights Act, and it was passed and signed into law by President Johnson on July 2, 1964.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was originally proposed by President Kennedy?

True, Kennedy had called for it in his civil rights speech in 1963 but he was assassinated that year while it was still being debated by Congress and so it wasn't until LBJ was president that it eventually passed.

What John F. Kennedy stated on June the 11?

Former president John. F. Kennedy gave the Civil Rights Address on June 11, 1963. This speech transformed a legal issue into a moral one in regards to civil rights.

Which US president worked with civil rights leaders to secure equality and liberty?

John F. Kennedy worked with civil rights leaders to secure equality and liberty of African-Americans. He gave a televised speech on the issue of racial discrimination, and submitted a civil rights legislation to congress in 1963.

Did President John F Kennedy push the civil rights act through congress in 1963?

No. He died before he could get it done. LBJ had to do it.

What law did John F. Kennedy pass?

the civil rights act of 1963

How did President Kennedy's policies on civil rights change between 1961 and 1963?

During his early months in office, Kennedy moved slowly on civil rights issues. He did not want to lose the support of southern members of Congress. Later in his term, Kennedy became a much stronger supporter of civil rights. He wanted American society to put into practice the principles of freedom that U.S. leaders preached to the world. He decided it was time for the government to take action in support of civil rights.

Who was the President assassinated during the 1960's Civil Rights Movement?

Martin Luther King was assinated by James Earl Ray on April 4th, 1968

Who was the slain civil rights leader?

Martin Luther King, Jr. is an example of a slain civil rights leader. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968. Medgar Evers is another example.

What event forced F Kennedy to take meaningful action in support of the civil rights movement?

President John F. Kennedy and his administration finally began to support the civil rights movement after the Birmingham Campaign of 1963. He signed the Civil Rights Act in response to the highly publicized and violent confrontations of the campaign.

Why did civil rights organizers ask their supporters to march on Washington in the summer of 1963?

The March on Washington D.C was for freedom and jobs for the black man. The impact that it had on Civil Rights was very significant because before the march President Kennedy was not happy that the march was going to take place, however when he realised that it was going to happen and that there was nothing he could do about it, he decided to support it. After the march President Kennedy was very impressed and decided to sign the Civil Rights Bill. This was a huge step for the black man.