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The Revolutionary war was fought with crude guns, swords, knives, bayonets, crude cannons and very little ammo availability. They had to fight close up. Transport of the troops was done by foot. Food was scarce and many died from starvation and freezing to death. Communication was a joke. They had to send messages via paper with a runner or horseman.

Today's wars have tanks, trucks, Hummer vehicles, jet planes with missiles that are extremely accurate, helicopters and guns that can kill many all at once accurately. The soldier, marine or sailor of today has clothing and gear that actually save his or her life. We have ships that house over 5000 people. The Ships are like cities. Today's military has communication abilities like no other military has ever had. They have satellite, computer, cellular and radio communications that no other military has ever had before.

The difference between the warrior of the Revolutionary war and the warrior of today is like comparing a telephone made with tin cans and a string to computerized phones that can reach around the world.

Another person they did not have in the Revolutionary War was a woman. Today's military have many women.

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11y ago

We have bigger better weapons. The fighter's back then used swords and primate firearms. Today we have better shelters

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15y ago

We have a lot more technolagy nowadays.

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Q: Difference between the Revolutionary War and war today?
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