one of the disadvantiges was that the colonists had a small untrained army,Inexperienced militery leaders,no navy,few factories to make war supplies,few funds to wage war,many colonists sympathized with the British
Tthe pariots advantages in the war was that being a patriot was that they owned great rifles, and they had a great commander named George Washington.
France helped the colonists in the Revolutionary War after the battle of Saratoga in which the colonists proved they had a chance in winning the war. However, France only helped the colonists because they were mad at Britain and did not want Britain to win the war.
tn what war were the minutemen prepared to fight
Answerthe Revolutionary War started because the colonists had enough of the taxes that King George the third gave out. For example: the intolerable tax, tea tax, and the stamp act.
About two thirds of colonists were ptriots in at the time of the Revolution.
Some of Britains disadvanteges well for one colonist did have a chance of beating them. And many people turned against them.
The revolutionary war was a war between the colonists and Britain. The colonists were fighting for freedom, and Britain was trying to stop them from getting that freedom and independence.
The original reason the colonists fought in the Revolutionary War was to gain their independence from England.
supported the British
The French
The colonists wore BLUE :)
To be an independent country.
kill people
they were gayer