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the main goals of the comstitution were to 1. state laws 2. state every individuals rights 3. I hope this helps you =]the main goals of the comstitution were to 1. state laws 2. state every individuals rights 3. I hope this helps you =]

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Q: Discuss the various goals of the constitution and how its provisions help realize those goals?
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Congress can effect changes to the Constitution by?

Congress effects changes to the Constitution by proposing amendments that would have to be ratified by 3/4 of state legislatures or state conventions called for the purpose of ratification. Congress cannot make any Constitutional changes on its own.

What is said about native Americans in the constitution?

The United States constitution gave Native Americans the right to vote in 1924, until this date Native Americans were not considered citizens. There are treaties that were signed by the various tribes that included the Native peoples into the constitution of the United States.

What was passed four years after the constitutional convention?

The Bill of Rights were ratified in 1791, 4 years after the Constitutional Convention. The first 8 of these 10 amendments guaranteed various individual rights.

What are the components of state constitution?

The current constitution contains a preamble followed by 12 sections. There is also a schedule at the end, to ease transition from territory to state. Article I establishes the rights and liberties of the citizens of Michigan. Article II details the election process, as well as recalls and voter qualifications. Article III deals with miscellaneous provisions, such as the state seal, seat of government, and separation of powers. Article IV establishes the legislative branch of government as the law-making body of the state. Article V establishes the executive branch and describes the powers and qualifications of the governor and lieutenant governor. Article VI establishes the judicial branch and creates the various court systems. Article VII concerns government at a local level. Article VIII establishes the public school system and also deals with some institutions of higher education. Article IX describes the taxation process. Article X is entitled property. Article XI concerns public officers and their employment. Article XII describes the process for amending the state constitution. The Schedule has temporary provisions to ease the transition from territory to state.

Why are court cases similar to the amendments of the Constitution?

They aren't. They aren't even close to being the same thing. The Constitution is the law and amendments change that law. Court cases are the interpretation of that law. However, the Supreme Court interprets the Constitution and their ruling is taken as the correct one. Given that the rulings can change over time, they can create the idea that they are changing the law, but they are basing the changes on society's reaction to various things. Roe v. Wade is not an amendment and isn't a change to the Constitution, only the way in which it is to be interpreted.

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