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Article III, Section 1, says they shall "receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office":

The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.


The Constitution says Congress cannot lower the pay of the Supreme Court justices; however, the Justices' pay was sometimes reduced in the early 19th century, although the circumstances surrounding the adjustment and how Constitutional issues were resolved is left in question.

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Yes. Article III, Section 1 stipulates that US Supreme Court justices are to be paid for their services, and that their pay cannot be reduced during their term of office.

Article III, Section 1

"The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office."

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Yes, if they qualified for retirement benefits. As of 1984, retired US Supreme Court justices receive full benefits if they have served a minimum of 10 years as a federal court judge, and their age and years of service, combined, total 80.

In 2010, the annual salary of an Associate Justice was $213,900 and that of the Chief Justice was $223,500.

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Are any retired US Supreme Court justices still alive?

Only two retired US Supreme Court justices are still alive, as of December 2009.Sandra Day O'Connor....................1981-2006.......ReaganDavid Hackett Souter....................1990-2009........George HW BushFor more information, see Related Questions, below.

Are US Supreme Court Justices rich people?

Most of them are wealthy, not because of their salary on the Court, but because of outside activities, such as speaking engagements, book sales, investments, etc.NoteUS Supreme Court justices are prohibited from taking money for speaking engagements while in office; this is considered an ethics violation, and may be an impeachable offense. Justices can only be reimbursed for their expenses while still on the bench.

How many votes are needed to accept a case in the US Supreme Court?

It requires the vote of at least four of the nine US Supreme Court justices to grant a petition for writ of certiorari. If four Justices agree, the Supreme Court will accept the case. This is referred to as the "Rule of Four."

What court heads Virginia judicial branch?

The VA Supreme court but some cases can still travel to the US Supreme Court.

Does a justice have to be at least 30 years old to be appointed to the US Supreme Court?

No. There are no constitutional age, residency, citizenship, or educational requirements for justices of the US Supreme Court. In practice, however, most nominees are in their late 40s, 50s, or (sometimes) early 60s, so they've had time to develop professionally but can still contribute to the court for several decades. The youngest justice appointed to the US Supreme Court was Joseph Story, who was 32 years old when he was seated in 1812.

Related questions

Are any retired US Supreme Court justices still alive?

Only two retired US Supreme Court justices are still alive, as of December 2009.Sandra Day O'Connor....................1981-2006.......ReaganDavid Hackett Souter....................1990-2009........George HW BushFor more information, see Related Questions, below.

How many clerks were in the US Supreme Court in 2002?

Based on the fact that active justices typically hire four clerks for each Term, there were probably 36 working in the Court in 2002. Retired Justices are entitled to hire one clerk each, but there were no former justices still living in that year.

What are appointed by the president and serve life-long term?

The justices of the Supreme Court are appointed for life by the President.

What is the typical age of US Supreme Court justices when appointed?

Most US Supreme Court justices join the bench when they're in their 50s. At that age, they've developed experience and judgment, but are still young enough to serve several decades in office.

What was the date Ruth Bader Ginsburg retire?

She has not retired yet. She is still currently on the supreme court

What do US Supreme Court justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer have in common?

President Clinton nominated both Justice Ginsberg and Justice Breyer to the US Supreme Court. Justice Ginsberg joined the Court in 1993, Justice Breyer in 1994. Both justices are still active.

What was the size of the US Supreme Court in 1800?

The Court comprised six justices: one Chief Justice and five Associate Justices.The US Supreme Court was still operating under the Judiciary Act of 1789 in 1800, so the number of justices on the Court was set at six. Congress passed the Judiciary Act of 1801 in February of the following year, which reduced the number of justices from six to five (by attrition). No one resigned, retired, died or was impeached before the new Congress passed the Repeal Act of 1802, which temporarily reinstated the Judiciary Act of 1789, so the size of the court remained at six.

Are US Supreme Court Justices rich people?

Most of them are wealthy, not because of their salary on the Court, but because of outside activities, such as speaking engagements, book sales, investments, etc.NoteUS Supreme Court justices are prohibited from taking money for speaking engagements while in office; this is considered an ethics violation, and may be an impeachable offense. Justices can only be reimbursed for their expenses while still on the bench.

What justices did Ronald Reagan appoint to the Supreme Court?

Ronald Reagan appointed three justices, and promoted an associate justice to Chief Justice: Sandra Day O'Connor was appointed by Reagan in 1981. She was the first female to serve on the court. Antonin Scalia was appointed by Reagan in 1986. William Renquist was appointed Chief Justice by Reagan in 1986, but he had served on the court since 1972. Anthony Kennedy was appointed by Reagan in 1988. Scalia and Kennedy are still serving as justices. Renquist died in 2005, and O'Connor retired from the court.

How many votes are needed to accept a case in the US Supreme Court?

It requires the vote of at least four of the nine US Supreme Court justices to grant a petition for writ of certiorari. If four Justices agree, the Supreme Court will accept the case. This is referred to as the "Rule of Four."

What is an Associate Justice on the US Supreme Court?

Associate Justice is the formal title for any US Supreme Court justice who is not the Chief Justice. There are eight Associate Justices and one Chief Justice on the Supreme Court.

What is the official name of the US Supreme Court?

The most common name for the Supreme Court is the US Supreme Court; the proper name is Supreme Court of the United States. Some people also refer to it as the "high court" or "the court of last resort," because it is the highest appellate court in the United States (for cases that fall under its jurisdiction). Some have also referred to the US Supreme Court as "the last court still sitting," because it has been in continuous operation since 1790 (excluding 1802), and the justices still follow many of the old traditions.