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Q: Does the president need Senate approval to appoint members of the White House staff?
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Related questions

Does the president appoint the members of the Executive Office?

Yes - these are mostly the cabinet members. Senate approval of the appointments is required.

Who has the power to appoint officers with approval of the senate?

the president

What part does advice and consent play in the U.S. Constitution?

the senate must have two thirds approval for the president to appoint officials the senate must have two thirds approval for the president to appoint officials

Who appoints cabinet member?

Cabinet members are appointed by the President; with Senate approval.

When can the president appoint people without approval of anyone else?

during the Recess of the SenateThe president can appoint anybody without anyone's approval because it is one of their privaleges as president. They get to carry out certain duties and this is one pf them

What is power of appointment of the president?

The president has the power to nominate or appoint judges, ambassadors, cabinet members and other high ranking officials., subject to approval or confirmation by the US Senate.

What is the appointed power?

The president has the power to nominate or appoint judges, ambassadors, cabinet members and other high ranking officials., subject to approval or confirmation by the US Senate.

Does the president need senate approval to appoint the director of the FBI?

The president needs the "advice and consent" (confirmation) of the U. S. Senate to appoint the Director of the F.B.I. The confirmation hearings are held by the Committee on the Judiciary.

The President selects the members of the Supreme Court with approval of the?


What is the presidents appointing power?

The president has the power to nominate or appoint judges, ambassadors, cabinet members and other high ranking officials., subject to approval or confirmation by the US Senate.

Does a President need Congress approval to appoint Secretary of State?

Congress does not have to give approval to appoint the President's choice for Secretary of State. However, a confirmation hearing takes place before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The president can appoint a nominee to the Supreme Court with the approval of the?

Senate. The Senate must give a majority vote to approve a Supreme Court nominee.