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Answer th After the Battle of Saratoga, France recognized the United States as a nation. How did this help the war effort?

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Answer th After the Battle of Saratoga, France recognized the United States as a nation. How did this help the war effort?

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France and other countries went to war against Great Britain. (apex)

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France and other countries went to war against Great Britain


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Q: How After the Battle of Saratoga France recognized the US as a nation. How did this help the war effort?
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After the battle of Saratoga France recognizes the US as a nation. how did this help the war effort?

Answer th After the Battle of Saratoga, France recognized the United States as a nation. How did this help the war effort? is question…

How did the Battle of Saratoga France recognized the US as a nation. How did this help the war effort?

Answer th After the Battle of Saratoga, France recognized the United States as a nation. How did this help the war effort? is question…

How did the Battle of Saratoga change the relationship between the French and the Americans?

The Battle of Saratoga played a huge influence on the French. The fact that the colonists won a decisive victory proved to the French that the colonists could actually fight. The French were eager to get back at the British because of their humiliating loss in the French and Indian War, and saw a chance to get revenge and increase their power by becoming involved in the American Revolutionary War. Mainly due to Saratoga, the French decided to enter in the colonists war for independence.

Why was the American victory at Saratoga considered a turning point in the was for independence?

The victory at Saratoga 1777 was what the French needed to see before they would be willing to go to war with England. The ramifications of going to war with England were immense! After Saratoga England offered the Continental Congress home rule within the British Empire. Congress refused and took what France offered. France offered national recognition as a sovereign independent nation. Before Saratoga France covertly offered military resources. After Saratoga France actively contributed to the American war effort. Soon Holland and Spain will enter the war against Britain. Britain's military campaign in America will come to be secondary as Britain found itself in a struggle for national survival.

What groups supported the patriot war effort?

Spain and France supported the patriot's war effort.

When France came to the aid of the colonists during the American Revolutionary War did they play a decisive role?

No. Basically, they waited to join the fight until they knew US would win it.Or:Hogwash. French covert aid prior to the Battle of Saratoga included eight out of ten muskets in the hands of the Continental Army. The majority of the Artillery was delivered to the Patriots by the French Navy and well over half of all the gunpowder expended in the Revolutionary War was produced in France. After the Battle of Saratoga, the French had openly Allied itself with the Americans and it provided over 10,000 Regular troops, Naval Infantry and Marines in support of the war effort. French troops on the ground equalled the size of the Continental Army at Yorktown. The US Navy was almost nonexistent and was totally dependent on the French Fleet.

Significance of battle of saratoga?

During the American Revolutionary War, the Americans won an important battle at Saratoga, New York. That battle showed that an American Army could defeat and capture a British Army in the field. It brought France into the war on the side of the Americans.

Why was Saratoga a turning point in the Revolutionary War?

The battle of Saratoga was important for several reasons. First, it was a major victory for the Americans as they captured a large number of British soldiers. Second, it was a morale boost to the Americans who had been losing most of the Battles against the British. Third, it stopped the British army from meeting up with more British forces which were headed to Philadelphia in order to capture the city. Most importantly however, the battle gave the King of France confidence in the ability of the Continental Army, resulting in French military aid to the colonies.

What did King Louis XVI first do as king?

For the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, he did everything that Patriots could have wanted. Over 10.000 Model 1766 Charleville muskets were smuggled in to North America. France provided the military equipment and money that was essential for the war effort.After the Battle of Saratoga they put 10,000 troops on the ground in North America and placed their Navy in direct support of the war effort. It is true that none of that was the first thing that he was responsible for when he became the King of France, but it was an important part of his reign.

Why after 1940 french coins were prepared very cheap metal?

Because France was fighting a losing battle against Germany and so metals were needed for the war effort. Copper and nickel were both very valuable materials and silver and gold would be used for international payments for things used for the war effort and so France used cheap metals that were less useful for the war effort such as iron, zinc and aluminum for their coins.

What European countries helped the American colonists in their fight against the British?

France, England's traditional enemy, helped the Colonies most in their attempt to cast off the yoke of Imperialism. England had problems in India at the same time and then, in the late 17 hundreds, India was a very wealthier and important colony; so the British put more effort into keeping control over the advanced and important Indian sub continent than the basically useless and stone age Americas.ANSWER:Two of England's biggest enemies, France and Spain sent money, and supplies to help the Americans win the American Revolutionary War.After the Battle of Saratoga, Benjamin Franklin, who was in France at the time, pointed out to both the France and Spain that the Americans could win battles and carry their own weight.The Treaty of Alliance was signed in France in February 1778. Three months later France entered the war, and in 1779, Spain joined the war as well. What had started as a spat between Britain and its colonies had become an international war.

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I was gratified that the supervisors recognized my effort to keep the customers smiling.