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The right to vote. What the heckp!!

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Q: How did amendments 15 19 24 and 26 affect American society?
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When was the American Cancer Society established?

the American Cancer Society was established in 1913 by 15 men

Why did the American Civil War change the constitution?

Amendments were added to the constitution to change African Americans life. Such as no more slavery in any part of the US. The amendments were 15 though like 18.

What has the author American Physical Society written?

American Physical Society. has written: 'Physics & society' 'Constitution and by-laws, articles of incorporation and membership list ... March 15, 1958'

How long did American slaery went on for?

The first slave arrived in 1619 and slavery ended in 1867 with the 13, 14, 15 amendments.

Which three amendments do you think ere consequence of the civil war?

13, 14, 15 amendments are the civil war amendments.

Amendments 13-15 were passed as a direct result of what war?

Amendments 13-15 were passed as a direct result of the Civil War.

Amendments 13-15 were passed as a direct result of the what war?

American Civil War 1861-1865. The result was the ending of slavery in the USA.

When was the African American slavery abolished?

The 13th amendment to the US Constitution abolished slavery in 1865.

What is the number of amendments not including The Bill of Rights?


How many amendments deal with extended individual rights?

The first 10 in the bill of rights (1-10) and Amendments 13, 15, 19, 21, and 26. That is 15 total.

Bill of rights were?

The bill of rights was the name given to the first 10 amendments of the constitution. Written by James Madison, it was introduced to congress in 1789. It was put into affect on December 15, 1791.

How many total Constitutional Amendments are there?

Twenty-seven amendments have been ratified since the original signing of the Constitution.