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They were of course unhappy with them, since it would mean their economic ruin.

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Q: How did slaves owners on in the south likely feel about the emancipation proclamations?
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How did the emancipation proclamations affect the war?

it made it ok for the Union soldiers to free slaves as they went through the south

How did the emancipation proclamation affect the slave owners?

The slave owners had to do all of the work themselves instead of having slaves do it for them.

Why did president Lincoln only free the slaves in the South with Emancipation Procalamation?

The two emancipation proclamations issued by president Lincoln in actuality did not "free" any slaves. In practical terms, every time a Union army gained and held Confederate territory, slaves there were freed as a matter of course. The Emancipation Proclamation was a war measure meant to help disrupt Southern society. The slave holding Union border states, Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware, kept their slaves until the end of the war.

Why did Lincoln sign the emanicaption of proclamation?

The preliminary Emancipation Proclamations was geared to the South, warning that if they did not free their slaves, there would be penalties . The final Proclamation came right on schedule on January 1, 1862.

What as the effect of the emancipation proclamation?

The southern slave owners decided to suck the nuts right off of their slaves daughters.

How long did some Texas plantation owners take to inform their slaves of the Emancipation Proclamation?

over two years

Why were slaves freed by the emancipation proclamation?

Because it related to those states where Lincoln had no authority. Southern slaves were only freed when Northern troops directly robbed their owners of their property, which included slaves.

Why do you think president Abraham Lincoln issued an executive order against slavery?

If this question pertains to President Lincoln's issuance of his two Emancipation Proclamations then the answer is clear. The final Proclamation freed all slaves in States in rebellion against the Union. It did not address slavery in States loyal to the Union. Lincoln understood that under the US Constitution, he had no power to "free slaves". What he did was what is called an executive order for military purposes. In this manner he was able to issue his Proclamations. The Proclamations were legal in terms of a president doing what he deemed necessary in times of crises.

What is the term for freeing of slaves?


Emancipation proclamation did not free the slaves in which state?

The Emancipation proclamation did not free the slaves in which state?

What was the purpose of the proclamations?

During the American Civil War, the purpose of the Emancipation Proclamation (announced by President Lincoln on January 1, 1863) was to free all slaves in the secessionist states of the South. While the Proclamation did not abolish slavery as an institution nor free all slaves, it was a vital step in that direction.

What does the word emancipation?

Emancipation means the act of freeing. Example: Slaves were emancipated. This means that the slaves were freed.