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The North Korean regime was established by the Soviet Union as part of their efforts to expand the communist bloc.

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Q: How did the north Korean government come to power?
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How do the North Korean leaders control power?

The question as written is unclear. Please see the below questions that answer the possible interpretations of the question.How do North Korean leaders come to power? -- The internal structure of North Korean politics is not very understood. The Supreme Leader comes to power dynastically, e.g. when a Supreme Leader dies, his son succeeds him. However, there is a large amount of power wielded by the generals in the North Korean Army and there are likely some bureaucrats who also wield power. Some of their ascension may be meritocratic, e.g. they rise because they do their job well, some may be nepotistic, e.g. they rise because of who they are related to or are friends to, and some may be cronyist, e.g. they rise as a favor from one influential group to another.How do North Korean leaders exercise power? -- They make declarations by fiat. The North Korean rulers are dictators.

Where does the power of the government come from?

The power of the government is the people.

How do North Korean leaders come to power?

The internal structure of North Korean politics is not very understood. The Supreme Leader comes to power dynastically, e.g. when a Supreme Leader dies, his son succeeds him. However, there is a large amount of power wielded by the generals in the North Korean Army and there are likely some bureaucrats who also wield power. Some of their ascension may be meritocratic, e.g. they rise because they do their job well, some may be nepotistic, e.g. they rise because of who they are related to or are friends to, and some may be cronyist, e.g. they rise as a favor from one influential group to another.

Where does the power of government come?

the power of a government comes from its citizens willingness to maintain its power by going to war or paying it taxes

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They come together to make federalism and they share the power.

How did the government come into power?

Depends on the government? Theyre elected or they take it by force...

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The People of Australia

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The constitution

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Inherit power from his father.

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December 8th, 1869

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The people.