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Interest groups influence public policy through lobbying of their specific special interest they have in mind. The number one way interest groups affect public policy is by providing information to politicians. It is illegal for interest groups to give money to politicians.

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8y ago
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12y ago

Interest groups influence public opinion by showing the upsides of their policies & hiding the downsides.

Interest groups influence public policies through lobbying of their specific special interest they have in their minds.

They usually get popular people to support it.

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12y ago

Accordingly to Magruder's American Government book, it says " Interest groups raise awareness of public affairs mostly by developing and promoting those polices they favor and by opposing those policies they see as threats to their interests."


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11y ago

The easiest and most effective way to influence an elected official is:

1. Identify the people you can vote for who can fix the problem you are interested in. E.g., your mayor probably can't fix schools, that's the board of education. A state legislator is not a member of Congress and can't fix the IRS.

2. Write a letter on paper introducing yourself and your issue and make clear that you are a constituent, i.e, a registered voter in their district.

3. Explain exactly what action you want and what the effect will be if you get or don't get it on yourself and others. The more people in the district who will be affected the more likely they will be interested.

4. Ask for specific action that is within the ability of the elected official.

5. Hand carry the letter to the politician's office and ask when you can expect a response.

6. Follow up politely and relentlessly once a week with a phone call until you get an answer.

Only write to people you can vote for. The others don't care what you think.

Write on paper and hand deliver because all elected officials are buried in email and ignore most of it. Even if they see it, they discount it because email is so easy. A paper letter stands out and makes a statement about your commitment.

Hand delivery does the same thing and is especially important for Congress because of the security process Postal Mail goes through.

You will likely get a form letter in response. This is good because it tells you what to do next. If it's positive, write a thank you. If not, then you will have to find some more people who feel the same as you to build enough political weight to persuade the politician to change their mind.

Anything significant is likely to take a very long time, years, and a lot of work since others will feel differently and be working against you. Politicians have to balance a lot of interests and everyone else thinks... just like you... that they have the best and only solution.

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12y ago

Interest groups often hire to help influence lawmakers and public policy

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10y ago

you have to do this and that to become here

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7y ago

Identify the people you can vote for who can fix the problem you.

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Q: How do interest groups influence public opinion?
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Interest groups influence public policy through lobbying of their specific special interest they have in mind. The number one way interest groups affect public policy is by providing information to politicians which is illegal. Interest groups influence public opinion by showing the upsides of their policies & hiding the downsides. Also interest groups influence public policies through lobbying of their specific special interest they have in their minds. They usually get popular people to support it.

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the choices are public affairs,lobbying,public policy and propaganda

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