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Q: How does the Wade-Davis plan treat ex-confederates?
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How did president Lincoln's plan reconstruction treat southern states?


How did president lincoin's plan for reconstruction treat southern states?

Fairly - Apex

How do you make a plan?

You should write down on a piece of paper, or type in and then save it as "My (Whatever kind of plan you have) Plan". If it's a fitness plan, you should make sure you do some kind of cardio exercise every day and strength training exercises every other day. Stick To It Man. In order to stick to it I have come up with a system. Every week that you have done EVERYTHING in your plan, you can give yourself a treat, it can be anything you can think of as a treat, then SLOWLY make it longer, like the next time you get a treat is in 1 month, the next is 3 months, and so on until it is every year. After 1 year you should stop giving yourself treats, cause it is bad for your plan if you keep on expanding the length of time you get a treat. Once you are done with your plan, give yourself a BIG reward like a one night stay at a hotel cause you earned it.

How do you treat business plan in accounting?

one compares the proforma to the current income statement and balance sheet.

How did President Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction treat Southern states?


How can I treat lumbar stenosis?

You should visit a doctor to determine if this is the case or not. Once diagnosed, a plan of action will be given to you.

Will cephalexin effectively treat a UTI?

Yes, cephalexin is commonly used to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) and is effective in many cases. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Plan to buy a computer that will last you how many years?

If you buy a desktop/tower and treat it well, it can last for 10-15 years.

What do you do when you make a plan and try it out?

You usually make sure that you do EVERYTHING in your plan to get it done. To get this done, you should give yourself a treat every week that you do everything in your plan. Whether it would be ice cream, going to a park, or going to the movie theaters. Stick to it and I hope I helped.

Does anyone know of a daily diet plan to lose weight?

You should not follow a "diet" plan. YOu should go back to eating regularly, and every once in a while, you should treat yourself with the foods you love.