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Well everyone is in debt one way or another so your question could be answered in two ways in terms of money or in terms of a physical achievement and a recognition to another for a help or service

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Q: How many people are in debt in America?
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How many people are in debt?

Many people are in debt all over the world, which country would you like the answer to be on?

How many dollars is America in debt?

over 12 billion

What services do Debt Relief of America provide?

They offer debit consolidation loans, debt settlement, debt management, and debt negotiation services to help people manage their debt payments so they can one day get out of debt.

What debt relief options are available?

Fortunately when it comes to debt relief there are nearly as many options as those that lead to the debt. Some of the websites you can visit include Freedom Debt Relief, Best Debt Relief, and Debt America.

What was hamiltons plan for the national debt?

By using national banks. There for when people went to the bank they had owned money. That had made America increase there debt.

What services does CreditGuard of America provide?

CreditGuard of America is a debt counseling service. Debt counselors such as CreditGuard exist to help people manage and eliminate their debt. CreditGuard specializes in helping small business owners who have borrowed outside of their ability to repay.

What kind of people would receive a collection letter?

The kind of people who would receive a collection letter are the people who are currently in debt. Many people get these letters because many people are in debt.

What was Hamiltons plan for reducing the national debt?

By using national banks. There for when people went to the bank they had owned money. That had made America increase there debt.

Can a debt recovery firm in the USA collect a debt that originated in the United Kingdom if i now live in America?

If they bought the debt, yes....Hey, its America

Why are the people who fought through World War 2 considered the Greatest Generation?

They brought America out of debt

What are some problems with debt consolidations?

Some of the problems with debt consolidation can get cause people to dig themselves deeper into debt. The original debts occur, but due to the smaller monthly payments many people feel that they can take on more debt. Another problem is that many people use their home equity to consolidate debt, and when it can not be paid they lose their house.

Who is America in debt to?
