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Q: How many people have to testify against a person accused of treason?
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When people fight or work against their country they may be accused of what?

High treason.

What distinctions can be made about the rights of the accused and how they protect the accused?

5th amendment - This protects the rights of the accused by saying that people do not have to testify against themselves in court.

When people fight or work against their country they may be accused of?

Treason - Gov Nova Net

Tyrants who wished to get rid of people often accused them of this crime?

Crimes Against The State.(treason)

What amendment in the bill of rights allows people accused of a crime to refuse to testify against themselves in a trial?

5th Amendment

Who wished to get rid of people often accused them of this crime?


Tyrants who wished to get rid of people often accused them of what crime?

The answer is Treason

Can people accused of crimes can face their accusers and call witnesses to testify for them?


Did the people that signed the declaration of independence get accused of treason?

I think they did, but they could not be killed until the war against the British was over, since they were saying they were Americans, not British, and therefor was not "doing treason". If the British won the war, they would have been killed. But they didn't. So the people lived. I think. (The people did live.)

How do historians interpret the events of the Salem witch trials?

They interpreted them as a religious punishment and as way for people to get rid of others, the people accused as witches were often accused because of some religious thing they did or because someone didn't like them and if they got enough people to testify against the accused then the accused would die.

What amendment says a person has the right to testify against himself?

NO amendment says a person has the right to testify against himself (which is true), but there is one that says the opposite.The Fifth Amendment, part of the Bill of Rights, says that no citizen can be forced to testify against themselvesi.e. you have the right to NOT testify against yourself.In popular culture, "taking the Fifth" means "invoking your right against self-incrimination."

What was King Charles found guilty of against his people?

He was executed for high treason and acts of violence against the country.