China has 1 major political party: The Communist Party of China,
and 8 minor political parties:
Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang("Kuomintang" means "China Nationalist Party" in English),
China Democratic League,
China Democratic National Construction Association,
China Association for Promoting Democracy,
Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party,
China Zhi Gong Party,
Jiusan Society,
and Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League.
All 9 parties are admitted by the government.
There are many political parties in Canada. You can find out a total list of them on
Political Parties.
political parties have no involvement
At that time, many Americans thought political parties were harmful to good government. The Constitution made no mention of parties because its authors saw no good use for them. Washington disapproved of political parties, or "factions" as they were known. He warned that they would divide the nation.
There are many political parties in Canada, both at the federal and provincial levels. There are also some political parties at the territorial and municipal levels.
I come from china
Romania has many political parties.
Israel has numerous political parties. Currently in the Israeli Knesset there are 12 political parties.
12 parties
There are many political parties in Canada. You can find out a total list of them on
Political parties avoided the issue of slavery for many years after the Missouri compromise.
Assuming that the question is asking about political parties, fascism only permits ONE POLITICAL PARTY.