candidate B
A Presidential candidate must obtain 270 Electoral Votes (the vote cast in the electoral college of the U.S. by the representatives of each state in a presidential election) to be elected President of the United States.
The United States requires 270 electoral votes for a candidate to win the presidency. Since there are a total of 538 votes available, a candidate can lose with 268 votes.
By majority, if the candidate has most of Iowa's electoral votes lets say 21-20 then that candidate that had 21 got all the 41 electoral votes for that state.
Most states always give 100% of their electoral votes to the candidate with a simple majority of popular votes. Therefore, with three candidates, it is theoretically possible to be elected unanimously with only 34% of the popular votes.
The US is not a democracy because, the president is not elected by the majority of public votes, but by electoral college votes. There are cases when the candidate winning the majority of the polled votes was not declared elected, but the candidate who lost majority votes was.
In the 52 U.S. presidential elections that were after the vice presidential election was separated from the presidential election and in which the electoral college elected the president, the winning candidate received votes from an average of 71.9% of appointed electors. Multiplying that by the 538 electors we have had per election for the past 50 years gives 387 votes. The minimum is the lowest whole number that is greater than 50%. For the past 50 years, that minimum has been 270.
There are 538 electoral votes. The presedential candidate needs to win 270 in order to be elected president.
The candidate who receives the most electoral votes wins the presidency. It is possible to lose the popular vote but win the electoral vote to be elected president.
candidate B
When referring to the Electoral College and Presidential elections, a candidate can win by taking: California (55 electoral votes) Texas (28 electoral votes) Florida (29 electoral votes) New York (29 electoral votes) Illinois (20 electoral votes) Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes) Ohio (18 electoral votes) Georgia (16 electoral votes) Michigan (16 electoral votes) New Jersey (15 electoral votes) Virginia (14 electoral votes) - a total of 11 states for 270 electoral votes which means a candidate can lose the other 39 states and District of Columbia and still win the election.
An electoral map is a map of the 50 states of the United States which shows: 1. the number of electoral votes each state has 2. an estimate of how each state is expected to vote for president. Except for Maine and Nebraska, in each state the winner of the popular vote gets all of that state's electoral votes. By estimating which candidate is expected to win the popular vote in each state, it is possible to make an educated guess as to how many electoral votes each candidate will get. From estimating the total each candidate will get it is possible to estimate who will receive the 270 electoral votes needed to be elected president and make an educated guess as to who will be elected president.
"Electoral" is an adjective. You would put it in a sentence by using the word "electoral" to modify a noun.Example:The candidate being elected is dependent on the amount of electoral votes he or she receives.In this sentence, the word electoral modifies the noun votes. Electoral is used to describe the type of votes.
Electoral votes are calculated based on the number of senators and representatives each state has. Each state has a total number of electoral votes equal to the sum of its senators and representatives in the U.S. Congress. The candidate who wins the popular vote in a state typically receives all of that state's electoral votes. The candidate who reaches at least 270 out of 538 total electoral votes wins the presidential election.
A Presidential candidate must obtain 270 Electoral Votes (the vote cast in the electoral college of the U.S. by the representatives of each state in a presidential election) to be elected President of the United States.