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John Marshall had a loose interpretation of the Constitution while Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict interpretation of it. John Marshall strongly believed in the elastic clause (the necessary and proper clause) which meant: "The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof". So he thought that if a law was needed, then it could be added and adjusted into the Constitution and one didn't have to stick to the exact words of the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict construction of the Constitution, but his actions such as the Louisiana Purchase and the Embargo Act showed loose interpretations because neither one of those were written in the Constitution. He very rarely showed a strict interpretation where he stuck directly to the Constitution, so they really weren't that different in views even though in titles they were.

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Winona O'Kon

Lvl 13
βˆ™ 2y ago
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John Marshall had a loose interpretation of the Constitution while Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict interpretation of it. John Marshall strongly believed in the elastic clause (the necessary and proper clause) which meant: "The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof". So he thought that if a law was needed, then it could be added and adjusted into the Constitution and one didn't have to stick to the exact words of the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict construction of the Constitution, but his actions such as the Louisiana Purchase and the Embargo Act showed loose interpretations because neither one of those were written in the Constitution. He very rarely showed a strict interpretation where he stuck directly to the Constitution, so they really weren't that different in views even though in titles they were.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

novanet- marshall believed the constitution granted strong federal powers jefferson did not

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Marshall believed the Constitution implied strong state powers; Jefferson did not.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

John Marshall was a federalist.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

becaus h e gaysss..

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Q: How was John Marshall's interpretation of constitution differ from Thomas Jefferson's?
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How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson's views toward the interpretation of the constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.


John Marshall had a loose interpretation of the Constitution while Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict interpretation of it. John Marshall strongly believed in the elastic clause (the necessary and proper clause) which meant: "The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof". So he thought that if a law was needed, then it could be added and adjusted into the Constitution and one didn't have to stick to the exact words of the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict construction of the Constitution, but his actions such as the Louisiana Purchase and the Embargo Act showed loose interpretations because neither one of those were written in the Constitution. He very rarely showed a strict interpretation where he stuck directly to the Constitution, so they really weren't that different in views even though in titles they were.

What was Thomas Jeffersons salary as President?

About 25,000 dollars a year

What party believed in a strict interpretation of the constitution?

Members of the Democratic-Republican Party believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution. They were opposed to the Federalists, who generally believed in a stronger national government.

In a strict interpretation of the Constitution the federal government has only what power?

The federal government has only the power to do exactly as the Constitution says. In George Washington's Presidency Alexander Hamilton who believed in loose construction believed that because the Constitution did not say that creating a national bank was illegal, then it could be done. Thomas Jefferson a believer of a strict interpretation believed that if it was not said in the Constitution that the Federal Government could make a National Bank then it is not allowed. The idea of strict and loose interpretation is fought about even to this day.

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How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas jeffersons views toward the interpretation of the constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton and and Thomas Jeffersons views toward the interpretation of the constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander hamilton and thomas jeffersons views towards the interpretation of the constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How was John Marshalls interpretation of the Constitution different from that of Thomas Jefferson's?

Marshall believed the Constitution implied strong state powers; Jefferson did not.

How did hamiltons and jeffersons views toward the interpretation of the constitution different?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How was john marshalls interpretation of the constitution from thomas jeffersons?

John Marshall had a loose interpretation of the Constitution while Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict interpretation of it. John Marshall strongly believed in the elastic clause (the necessary and proper clause) which meant: "The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof". So he thought that if a law was needed, then it could be added and adjusted into the Constitution and one didn't have to stick to the exact words of the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict construction of the Constitution, but his actions such as the Louisiana Purchase and the Embargo Act showed loose interpretations because neither one of those were written in the Constitution. He very rarely showed a strict interpretation where he stuck directly to the Constitution, so they really weren't that different in views even though in titles they were.

How was john marshalls interpretation of the constitution different from thomas jeffersons?

John Marshall had a loose interpretation of the Constitution while Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict interpretation of it. John Marshall strongly believed in the elastic clause (the necessary and proper clause) which meant: "The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof". So he thought that if a law was needed, then it could be added and adjusted into the Constitution and one didn't have to stick to the exact words of the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict construction of the Constitution, but his actions such as the Louisiana Purchase and the Embargo Act showed loose interpretations because neither one of those were written in the Constitution. He very rarely showed a strict interpretation where he stuck directly to the Constitution, so they really weren't that different in views even though in titles they were.

How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson's towards the interpretation of the constitution differ?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson's views towards the interpretation of the constitution?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson's view towards the interpretation of the constitution?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson's views toward the interpretation of the constitution?

Alexander Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation, while Thomas Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation.

How did jeffersons views about the constitution implied powers differ from the views of Alexander Hamilton?

Jefferson's views differed from Hamilton's because Jefferson believed that implied powers are the powers that are "absolutely necessary" to carry out expressed powers, but Hamilton thought it meant that they were not expressly forbidden in the Constitution.