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It gave African American men the right to vote, but ignored the rights of women.

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Q: How was the Fifteenth Amendment both a success and a failure?
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Why was the fifteenth amendment viewed as Both success and a failure?

It gave African American men the right to vote, but ignore the rights of women.

Why was the fifteenth viewed as both a failure and success?

It gave African American men the right to vote, but ignore the rights of women.

Was Christopher Columbus a success or failure?

Christopher Columbus was both success and failure

What amendment freed all slaves in the US?

The 15 amendment gave African American men the right to vote; the 19th amendment expanded it to women (both black and white women).

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The quote "Success and failure, treat them as equal impostors" is attributed to Rudyard Kipling in his poem "If—". This line emphasizes the idea of remaining composed and humble in the face of both success and failure.

Are the words 'success' and 'failure' concrete or abstract nouns?

Life certainly has its ups and downs. But 'success' and 'failure' are not physical objects we can perceive with our senses. Therefore, they are both abstract nouns.

In what ways were crusades both a success and a failure?

It was a success because the Europeans were introduced to the knowledge of the ancient past that was being preserved by the Muslims. It was a failure because they never regained the Holy Land. (Which explains why it's called 'history's most successful failure.')

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How was the Korean war both a secces an failure?

the success was the communist north did not occupy south Korea. the failure was NATO had to accept an armistice instead of surrender

What outlook toward failure and success does Krishna recommend to Arjuna?

Both success and failure results are to be taken with neutral emotions, as they are mere outcomes of the "impact of will, effort and karma" of all the parties involved and also they occur in cycle.

How the model T car is a success or failure?

Type your answer here... Moddel T is extrimely a success car because is feverable in both wet and dry weathers.

How was the 15th amendment both a sucuess and a failure?

It gave African American men the right to vote, but ignored the rights of women.