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The disparity was not great - the three Athenian classes had annual incomes of 500, 300 and 200 measures of grain, a very modest range pf 250 percent.

Compare this with today's elites, where the bottom class has 30,000 dollars, the upper class 30 million - 100 times as much.

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Q: How was the daily life of Greek elites similar to the lives of more ordinary people?
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Greek civilisation is the one which influenced the Roman elites the most.

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Oligarchy - 'rule by the few' - an aristocratic cartel which excluded ordinary people. Tyranny - rule by a single man appointed to get rid of the oligarchs and give the ordinary people a government which looked after their interests. Democracy - 'people power' - which gave the ordinary people a say in their government.

Which political practice in greek democracy did the roman republic permit?

None. Apart from a few people, the Romans were never interested in the Greek concept of democracy. It was alien to their tradition and to the ancestral customs which were very important to them. The conservative elites this concept would have been subversive.

What is Tantalus' roman name?

The Romans did not absorb this myth into their mythology. Educated Romans who knew this myth used the Greek name. The Roman elites spoke Greek as well as Latin.

Are Greek religion and catholic religion similar?

Catholic religion and Greek Christianity are somewhat similar, but other Greek religions are not similar to the Catholic religion.

Was Greek technology similar to Rome's?

No, Greek technology was not similar Roman technology. Rome might have had one Greek technology that they used, but other then that one Greek technology, Roman technology was not similar to Greek technology.

Why Roman and Greek likely to trade and share cultural practices?

The Roman elites became deeply Hellenised (influenced by Greek culture). This is not surprising because all the peoples who came in contact with the Greeks became Hellenised to various decrees. The Roman elites admired Greek art and thought that it was superior. They thought that they could not compete with Greek sculpture and hired Greek sculptors. They also admired Greek literature. Initially, Latin plays were modelled on Greek plays. The Romans also thought that the Greek language was more suited to abstract concepts and better for rhetoric and philosophy. The Roman elites were educated in both Latin and Greek and spoke Greek fluently. The Romans were fascinated by Greek mythology and linked their gods to the Greek gods and their myths. Greek medicine was the beast and the Romans simply adopted it. With regard to trade, Greece and the other Greek states in the eastern Mediterranean became part of the Roman Empire and the Romans fostered the development of trading networks around their empire and beyond.

What made greek gods different from ordinary mortals?

they were GODS