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The government in Sparta was that unhealthy babies were to be killed and young boys were sent to the army. In athens they created a democracy. In Sparta they were ruled by two kings until they died and in athen they were ruled by archons

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Q: How was the government in Athens and Sparta different?
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What was different about Sparta and Athens?

they had different forms of government, Sparta had oligarchy while Athens had democracy. in Athens, you became a man when you turned 18, in Sparta you had to be 30. for money Athens had drachmas and Sparta had obols.

How were the government of Sparta and Athens different?

Athens's finnancial differences from Sparta were that Sparta had alot more gold and Athens had alot more credit.

What are some of the difference Athens and Sparta had?

Athens had a government based on a democracy Sparta had a military based government

How was Athens different between Sparta?

Because they didn't yell "this is Sparta" they yelled "This is Athens"

How did Athens and Sparta different?

Athens was more artistic and Sparta was more tougher at war

What is the government of Athens and Sparta?

Anthens : Direct Democracy Sparta: Oligarchy CHICKEN.

How were the roles of women different in Athens and Sparta?

In Athens women had no rights. In Sparta women had lots of rights

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What are some things about Athens that Sparta doesn't have?

well the Sparta was a military government and worried about their needs. And the Athens were more worried about the techonologies.

What are the achievements and legacy of Athens and Sparta?

It was Sparta and Athens because they both hade different cultures😛😛

What is different between Athens and Sparta?

The difference between Athens and Sparta is:SParta is a oligarchy.Athens is a direct-democracyOne difference between the city-states of Athens in Sparta was that Sparta was ruled by a king while Athens was overseen by a democratically elected group.

How were ancient Sparta and ancient Athens different?

Ancient Sparta focused more on military achievements and ancient Athens thought more of academic knowledge. Athens were a democracy and Sparta was an oligarchy