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He had a plan on how to accomplish what was needed and when he died his plan died with him. Andrew Johnson inherited the plan, but he was in a politically weak position which caused problems.

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Q: How would Lincoln assassination change the direction of Reconstruction?
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How did President Lincoln's death change the course of the Reconstruction Era?

US President Lincoln had planned generous conditions for the Reconstruction Era for the former Confederate states. His assassination in 1865, negated these generous terms and the radical wing of the Republican Party set about to punish the South severely.

How did the assassination of president Lincoln change security for future presidents?

because of sex

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how did president johnson and congress change the reconstruction plan during lincoln's death?

How did the assassination of Abraham Lincoln change presidential security?

Strangely, it is said that the last order Lincoln signed was to establish the "Secret Service". This is the agency charged with the responsibility of protecting the President. But, even with that, it is also said that if someone is out to get you, they will find a way.

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One way that Reconstruction had failed was the lack of political focus on the effort to bring about long-term racial integration. Another failure was the North to effectively rebuild the South.

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True. Acceleration is any change in velocity, including a change in direction. So when you change direction, you are indeed accelerating.

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