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The opinion of the Court may be unanimous; however, individual justices may also write concurring opinions. Alternately, all members of the Court may agree on a decision but not be willing to sign the opinion to prevent it from being cited as precedent in future cases, in which case they would write a per curiam opinion.

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Q: If all justices of of the US Supreme Court agree on a decision what kind of opinion do they write?
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What is a written statement by most of the justices in support of a Supreme Court decision?

The agreed ruling of more than half of the Supreme Court justices is called a majority decision; the written document is called a majority opinion or the "opinion of the Court."

What is the official decision of the US Supreme Court called?

The US Supreme Court decision is called the "opinion of the Court," which most often refers to the majority opinion (decision signed by the most justices) on a case. Sometimes, however, the "official decision" may be a "per curiam" ruling (issued unsigned) or a "plurality" (an opinion, often concurring in judgment, endorsed by more justices than the formal "opinion of the Court.").For more information, see Related Questions, below.

What kind of US Supreme Court decision indicates more members of the majority signed a concurring opinion than the official opinion of the Court?

If more justices agree with a concurring opinion than with the opinion of the Court, the decision is called a plurality.

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Five or more justices who agree on a decision form a majority. The written decision is sometimes called the "majority opinion," but is officially known as the "opinion of the Court" to signify its importance.

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The agreed ruling of more than half of the Supreme Court justices is called a majority decision.

For the majority ruling on the Supreme Court there needs to be at least justices who agree?

For a majority ruling on the Supreme Court, a minimum of five out of the nine justices must agree. This is because a majority decision requires more than half of the justices to support a particular outcome or opinion. It is necessary to have a majority in order to establish a binding decision for the Court.

Can Four or more justices must agree before an opinion becomes the Supreme Court's official decision?

5 or more :)

A simple majority of the justices is enough to render a Court opinion?

Yes, a simple majority of the justices is enough to render a Court opinion. In the U.S. Supreme Court, for example, there are nine justices, and a majority vote of at least five justices is required to decide a case and issue a written opinion.

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Supreme court justices

What influences supreme court decisions?

The justices of the US Supreme Court vote on each case that is brought before them. The decision of the court is whatever a majority of the justices agree on. Each justice has an equal say in the decision.

There are justices on the supreme courthow mean justices on the supreme court are there?

there are about how mean justices on the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court must have a to render a decision in a case.?

The Supreme Court must have a simple majority to render a decision in a case.