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According to Amendment XXV to the U.S. Constitution (ratified February 10, 1967), if the President is removed from office, or if the President dies or resigns, the Vice President becomes President. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President nominates a Vice President who takes office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

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There is no succession to the office of Vice President. Any President, no matter how he attains the office, can appoint a replacement Vice President to be confirmed by a majority of both houses of the Congress. This was established by the 25th Amendment, ratified in 1967. Prior to that time, the office remained vacant until another Presidential election

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Q: If the pres is assassinated and the present vice pres becomes pres who becomes the new vice pres?
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When Pres is thrown out of office and the VP goes in Who then becomes VP?

There is no Vice-president in that case. That office remains vacant and the duties of the Vice-president to preside over the Senate is then handled by the President pro tempore of the Senate.

If president dies and vice pres becomes pres who becomes VP?

The Vice President, who has now become the President, chooses someone to fill the position of Vice President. That nominee then must be ratified (approved) by both Houses of the U.S. Congress. According to Amendment XXV to the U.S. Constitution (ratified February 10, 1967), if the President is removed from office, or if the President dies or resigns, the Vice President becomes President. The amendment also provides for the situation where the President is temporarily disabled, such as if the President has a surgical procedure or becomes mentally unstable. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President nominates a Vice President who takes office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

Who became president after the elected president was assassinated?

george whashington

When did presidential running mates start?

According to Wikipedia's article on "Running Mates", presidential running mates began around 1860. FYI: Originally the second choice presidential candidate became vice president. In 1804 Pres/Vice pres began running on separate ballots.

Who becomes president if the elected president can not serve?

The vice-president becomes President if the president can not function.

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Who becomes pres of the united State when the pres and the vice pres die?

The Speaker of The House Does

Who becomes president if both pres and vice pres?

Speaker of the house

Who becomes the president if the president himselfcan no longer serve in office?

Vice Pres

Who picks the vice pres if the current one becomes pres?

The speaker of the house becomes acting vice president, no one actually takes the vice presidents place. He still carries out his role as speaker of the house but only comes into action as president if the current president died and there is no vice president

Who becomes the president if the president is assassinated?

The vice president, Andrew Johnson.

If the vice pres died who would be pres?

The same

Who was the vice pres and pres of 1995?

Al Gore was the vice-president of the United States and Bill Clinton was the president.

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Who was vice president during Lincoln's first term as president?

Who takes over immediately if the president is assassinated?

If the president was assassinated the order would be: 1.) Vice President 2.) Speaker of the House 3.) President pro tempore of the Senate 4.) Secretary of the State 5.) Secretary of the Treasury

When the pres and vice pres are traveling together does the speaker of the house have to stay in Washington?


Did Lincoln have a vice president that went on to be president?

Hannibal Hamlin did not become a President, but Andrew Johnson, Lincoln's 2nd Vice President, became the President when Lincoln was assassinated.

Who was the vice president in 1876?

There was no U.S. Vice President during 1876. Vice Pres. Henry Wilson died in November of 1875, and the next Vice Pres., William A. Wheeler, took office in March of 1877.