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In a Presidential election nowadays, winning the popular vote in a state is the first step in getting "Electoral College" (E.C.) votes.

State legislatures now use two ways of converting their popular vote into E.C. votes. All but two use the winner-take-all or "unit rule" that says the winner of the largest number of popular votes gets all the state E.C. votes.

Each state has the E.C. votes of its US Representatives plus its two US Senators. The winner of the popular vote in the "unit rule" cases gets all that state's votes. That's the answer for 49 out of 51 places voting in the Electoral College.

Maine and Nebraska use a "District Plan". They count the popular vote in each Congressional District and then award the winner in each of those one E.C. vote. Then a two-E.C. vote bonus goes to the winner of the state-wide vote. For instance in Nebraska, Mr. McCain won two districts, Mr. Obama won one district, and Mr. McCain won the state-wide vote. Nebraska's E.C. vote was split: McCain 4, Obama 1.

The total E.C. votes amount to 538, equal to the 435 in the House of Representatives, plus the 100 in the US Senate, plus 3 for a total Electoral College count for the District of Columbia. To be elected President of the US in the Electoral College, it takes a majority of 270 E.C. votes.

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How can the elector vote over turn the popular vote?

in the presidential election, the popular vote of the state is the then the electorate, and depending on how many elector votes the state has (depending on popularity) that's how many votes the candiate gets. so if a large state like California has only a 10% difference, it still goes by the popular vote. if a candidate gets many larger states, but not by a vast amount, it then results with the loss of the popular vote but a win of the elector vote.

What is the difference between electoral votes and popural votes?

electoral vote is the population of the state and and the amount of citizen that live state and popular votes is the amount of citizen that vote for a presidential election

What are college votes?

* Electoral College votes are the votes of the Electors in each state. when we vote, it's called the Popular Vote. You can find the amount of electors your state has by this: Each state has 2 senators+ the number of representatives your state has= the amount of state electors you have. The electors cast the final votes for the election.

How are the electoral votes in a astate distributed once the people cast their popular vote?

In Nebraska and Maine, whoever gets the most popular votes in each congressional district gets one vote. The other two votes per state go to whoever gets the most popular votes in the whole state. In each of the other 48 states and in D.C., whoever gets the most popular votes gets 100% of the electoral votes.

Direct vote of citizens elects president?

The direct vote of citizens to elect the President of the United States is called the Popular Vote. The race for President of the United States also takes into account Electoral Votes. Electoral Votes are given to candidates who win the Popular Vote in a particular state.

Related questions

What is the purpose of the popular votes?

"Popular Vote" is the majority of a state's vote. If a candidate for president with the most popular votes in a state gets all of that state's electorial votes. An Example: More than half of Nevada's vote goes to candidate B than A, then Candidate B gets the electorial vote for Nevada which is five.

How can the elector vote over turn the popular vote?

in the presidential election, the popular vote of the state is the then the electorate, and depending on how many elector votes the state has (depending on popularity) that's how many votes the candiate gets. so if a large state like California has only a 10% difference, it still goes by the popular vote. if a candidate gets many larger states, but not by a vast amount, it then results with the loss of the popular vote but a win of the elector vote.

Can a state's popular vote disagree with its electoral votes?


What is the purpose of the state popular vote?

"Popular Vote" is the majority of a state's vote. If a candidate for president with the most popular votes in a state gets all of that state's electorial votes. An Example: More than half of Nevada's vote goes to candidate B than A, then Candidate B gets the electorial vote for Nevada which is five.

How is the total of 538 Electoral College votes determined What is the purpose of the popular vote in the Electoral College system?

The total of 538 Electoral College votes is determined by allocating 435 votes to the House of Representatives (each state receives a minimum of one), 100 votes to the Senate (two per state), and three votes to the District of Columbia. The purpose of the popular vote in the Electoral College system is to determine the outcome of the presidential election in each state. The candidate who wins the popular vote in a state typically receives all of that state's electoral votes.

What is the difference between electoral votes and popural votes?

electoral vote is the population of the state and and the amount of citizen that live state and popular votes is the amount of citizen that vote for a presidential election

How are electoral votes determined in Colorado?

Based on the popular vote in the state

Why should people vote if the election is determined by electoral votes?

The electoral votes are (more or less) decided by how many popular votes are cast for the candidates in various districts. So especially if you vote in a "swing state" and in an undecided district it is important to vote.

What happens if a presidential candidate does not win the popular vote?

The popular vote has no bearing on the Presidential and Vice Presidential elections themselves. It is used by the states to determine which electors get appointed. State electors are "pledged" to vote for the candidate of the party that chose them. In 48 states plus D.C., the winner of the popular vote in each state will receive all of that state's electoral votes in the real Presidential and Vice Presidential elections when they meet in December. In Maine and Nebraska, the winner of the popular vote in each state receives two of that state's electoral votes, and each additional electoral vote goes to the candidate who wins the popular vote in each of the state's federal congressional districts.

Who actually casts the electoral votes for each state?

The states choose as many "electors" as it has electoral votes and these electors elect the president. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. The electors vote their electoral votes in the Electoral College.

How does popular vote relate to electoral votes?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.

What was the popular vote for Obama in Washington?

President Obama had 1,775,396 votes or 55.88% in Washington State. But if you are referring to Washington DC, the president received 267,070 votes, or 90% of the popular vote.