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Supreme Court appointments are made for life, unless the Justice is impeached by the House of Representatives and successfully tried in the Senate. The President never has the option of replacing a Justice on a whim.

The President may nominate a new Justice if a vacancy occurs on the Court while the President is in office; however, the only conditions under which this is possible is if a Justice dies in office, retires, resigns, becomes permanently incapacitated, or is impeached by the House and removed from office by a vote of the Senate.

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Q: In the case of Marbury v. Madison was President Thomas Jefferson forbidden from appointing different Justices to the Supreme Court?
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Jefferson's views differed from Hamilton's because Jefferson believed that implied powers are the powers that are "absolutely necessary" to carry out expressed powers, but Hamilton thought it meant that they were not expressly forbidden in the Constitution.

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There is no homophone for forbidden. A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same same way as another word but has a different definition. For example, blue and blew are homophones.

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Jefferson's views differed from Hamilton's because Jefferson believed that implied powers are the powers that are "absolutely necessary" to carry out expressed powers, but Hamilton thought it meant that they were not expressly forbidden in the Constitution.

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Can you get a sentence for forbidden?

It is forbidden for you to enter here. Only vips are allowed to enter.

Why is the Forbidden City forbidden?

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