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Q: In the revolutionary war the british could not defeat the Americans in the north so they moved where?
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What were the advantages of the Americans in the Battle of Princeton?

The British troops were tired from fighting the other battles so it made it easier for the American troops to win therefore it pushes us toward winning independence.

Why is the battle of serapis important?

The Battle of Serapis was important, because it was a big part of the American Revolution. Once John Paul Jones won this battle, the British were embarrassed because they were defeated. The British, at the time, had the most powerful navy and were overpowered by soldiers who didn't have nearly that much training. Also, this battle inspired the Americans, because it showed that the British could be defeated and now they just had to defeat them on land to win the Revolutionary War

What were the advantages and disadvantages of the American army during war?

During the Revolutionary War, the British had the advantage of a powerful fleet. They could conquer any port city they wanted. They never figured out how to conquer the countryside. While it took General Washington a little while to figure it out, the Americans did not have to defeat a large British Army in a pitched battle. They just had to outlast the British. The Americans could wait in the countryside and pick off smaller British units.Finally, William Pitt the Younger convinced the British Parliament that maintaining the war did not make any economic sense. If England collected all the taxes from America that Parliament had voted, it would not pay for keeping the British Army in America. Thus, England signed a peace treaty.

In the American Revolution France gave money and military support to the what?

During the American Revolution, France supplied the new American government with money (gold and French Francs), soldiers, and the French Navy. After the Americans defeated the British at the Battle of Saratoga, the French realized the American colonists could defeat the British regulars, and that helping the Americans would potentially weaken their hated British rivals.

Compare and contrast the different views of African Americans toward the Revolutionary war?

i think the answer was that African Americans could choose what sides to be on. and that's all i think the answer is (:

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Which battles convinced the British that they could not defeat the Americans?

The battle of Saratoga.

Where did the British hope to finally defeat the colonists?

The British hoped to defeat the Americans in the South before French help could arrive.

Why did some african americans fight during the revolutionary war?

some African Americans fought during the revolutionary war so the could get freedom from there British owner

Why did africans American fight during the war?

some African Americans fought during the revolutionary war so the could get freedom from there British owner

How did the british defeat themselves during the revolutionary war?

They used tactics unsuitable for the terrain. Many of the senior officers could not adapt to the type of warfare being used by the colonists.

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because they doubted that the colonists could defeat the British

Who won the first battles of the revolutionary war?

The first battle of the Revolutionary War is considered to be the Battle of Lexington. This "Battle" was not even what could be called a skirmish. The British technically won the battle because more Americans than British were killed on Lexington Green and because the colonists did not prevent the British from moving on to Concord.

Why was british defeat at saratoga important?

During the American Revolutionary War, the 1777 defeat of the British at Saratoga (through a succession of battles) was important for two reasons. First, it secured the northern border of the colonies against British excursions. Second, it convinced European powers, particularly France, to show formal (and significant) support for the Americans. European support led directly to American victory in the war as a whole.

What were the advantages of the Americans in the Battle of Princeton?

The British troops were tired from fighting the other battles so it made it easier for the American troops to win therefore it pushes us toward winning independence.

What was the battle that convinced the french that the colonists can really defeat the British?

the battle of saratoga and the colonists thought that the \y could really defeat the British.

Why is the battle of serapis important?

The Battle of Serapis was important, because it was a big part of the American Revolution. Once John Paul Jones won this battle, the British were embarrassed because they were defeated. The British, at the time, had the most powerful navy and were overpowered by soldiers who didn't have nearly that much training. Also, this battle inspired the Americans, because it showed that the British could be defeated and now they just had to defeat them on land to win the Revolutionary War

What were the advantages and disadvantages of the American army during war?

During the Revolutionary War, the British had the advantage of a powerful fleet. They could conquer any port city they wanted. They never figured out how to conquer the countryside. While it took General Washington a little while to figure it out, the Americans did not have to defeat a large British Army in a pitched battle. They just had to outlast the British. The Americans could wait in the countryside and pick off smaller British units.Finally, William Pitt the Younger convinced the British Parliament that maintaining the war did not make any economic sense. If England collected all the taxes from America that Parliament had voted, it would not pay for keeping the British Army in America. Thus, England signed a peace treaty.