Molasses Act
They wanted France's protection.
He had limited his own power and established an elected assembly. He promised religious freedom to those who believed in God.
In june 1767 parliament passed the Townshend acts, which placed duties on impoerted glass, lead, paints ,paper, and tea
His interference in local government aroused sharp resentment among the colonists, and in 1688 they revolted and imprisoned him. Andros was recalled to England but returned as governor of Virginia (1692) and Maryland (1693 - 94). - See more at: His interference in local government aroused sharp resentment among the colonists, and in 1688 they revolted and imprisoned him. Andros was recalled to England but returned as governor of Virginia (1692) and Maryland (1693 - 94). - See more at:
west of the Appalachian mountains
Many Americans interpreted Britain's attempt to control its colonial empire after 1763 as a sinister conspiracy. This was to enslave colonials by depriving them of property and liberty because after 1763 Britain decided to tax United States colonies as a means of revenue.
After the Stamp Act, colonists were furious. Britain reacted to this by repealing the Stamp Act and proposing the Quaternary Act, in which colonists were forced to house British soldiers.xd
Stamp Act Congress
Jay's Treaty, signed in 1794, was an attempt to settle the dispute between Britain and the United States. It regulated trade and navigation, but allowed the British to search American Ships. Jay's Treaty created an argument between the Jeffersonians and Federalists.
Invasion, bombing them from the air, the Battle of Britain, and The Blitz.
The reason is very simple: Britain defeated the German attempt to invade it!
Molasses Act
Molasses Act
None.The Battle of Britain was an air battle fought in the skies over southern England. It was an attempt by the German Luftwaffe to destroy Britain's air defences prior to the planned invasion of Britain. The attempt failed and the planned invasion (code-name Operation Sealion) was then cancelled.
The guillotine