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Far from it. It is an important concept in the US, and in any country that has or is working toward a similar model. There is corruption in US government, yes. But if corruption makes human systems a farce, then all of life is a farce including every nation that ever existed, and every religion as well.

For 236 years the government built upon the US Constitution has withstood some major challenges at home and abroad. So far it is still going strong. There are many struggles yet to face, and we shall see if the Constitution is strong and flexible enough to survive.

There are parts of the Constitution that have not yet been exercised, chief among them is the ability of the states to initiate and enact amendments to the Constitution with only minimal involvement by the federal government. If such amendments are ever made, there will be no veto power by any branch of government.

Also, there are very few world governments, if any, that can match the US record for peaceful and orderly transfer of power.

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