No, the government is not responsible; it's the business owners who are.
Cheap imported goods are responsible for job loss in the United States.
The main jobs of the early government were creating order and providing leadership.
patronage-exchanging government jobs and contracts for political support
federal government
Government Jobs are regularly posted on internet available sites for government facilities and departments. Staffing services are also at times used to fulfill the employment needs of government departments.
Outsourcers are the ones who hire or purchase services from an outside supplier.
Keep jobs in America
An outsourcing firm refers to a business group that is solely focused on doing specific jobs for a client. This is a third-party workforce that does jobs regardless of whatever the client's business.
Outsourcing has created jobs, as well as helped small businesses or startups survive in these tough times.
The list of companies in the US is endless. There is a big push to stop the outsourcing so jobs can be saved.
No, quite the opposite. Offshore outsourcing is horrible for labor unions. In addition to losing out on tens of thousands of jobs yearly, the labor unions lose leverage when it comes to negotiations, due to the threat of their jobs moving overseas. No, outsourcing deprives union laborers of work.
In these tough times when jobs are outsourced and millions were lost, there is a call for ethical outsourcing that will make doing business fair in this flat world.
Insourcing is creating jobs in your country by an organization that is foreign owned. Outsourcing is the oppostite. Outsourcing is contracting with organizations outside your country for work that could otherwise be done by employees within your company.