

Best Answer
The word 'governor' is a noun, a word for:
  • an official elected or appointed to act as chief executive or head of a political unit, a word for a person;
  • an attachment to a machine that automatically controls speed, a word for a thing.

The verb form is to govern (governs, governing, governed).
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Q: Is the word governor a noun or verb?
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Is governor a noun or verb?

The word governor is a noun, a singular, common noun; a word for an elected government official; a word for a person. The verb form is to govern (governs, governing, governed).

What is the noun for governor?

The word 'governor' is a noun, a word for someone who governs, a word for a person.

What is the noun form of the verb noun?

The noun form of the verb "noun" is "noun-ness" or "nominalization."

What is noun form of the verb govern?

The noun forms of the verb to govern are governor, government, and the gerund, governing.

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The word 'be' is not a noun. The word 'be' is a verb, the verb to be.

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No, the word "is" is not a noun. The word "is" is a verb.

What is a noun for govern?

The noun forms of the verb to govern are governor, government, and the gerund, governing.

Is the word word a noun or verb?

The word 'word' is both a noun (word, words) and a verb (word, words, wording, worded).Examples:What is the word for H2SO4? (noun)I don't know how to word the request. (verb)

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Noun. The verb is 'use'.

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What kind of noun is is?

The word "is" is NOT a noun.The word "is" is a verb, a form of the verb "to be".A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.The verb "is" functions as a main verb and an auxiliary (helping) verb.Examples:Margaret is smart.main verb, Margaret = smart;the word smart is a predicate adjective;the noun is Margaret, a word for a person.The class is going to Spain.auxiliary verb, the main verb is going;the noun class is a word for a thing;the noun Spain is a word for a place.