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Congress had the power to make decisions but not to enforce them. (studyisland)<3 so obvi this is right

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Q: One of the main reasons the Articles of Confederation was ineffective was because?
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Why did Americans want a stronger government than the one created by the Articles of Confederation?

Americans wanted a stronger government than the Articles of Confederation provided for a number of reasons. The Articles of Confederation lacked the necessary powers to govern effectively leaving it unable to enforce laws collect taxes or provide for a unified military. The Articles of Confederation also did not have any means of resolving disputes between the states. Furthermore the Articles of Confederation did not have a strong executive branch and could not create a unified currency. Finally the Articles of Confederation did not allow for the direct participation of citizens in the government and it was difficult to amend the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation lacked the necessary powers to govern effectively leaving it unable to enforce laws collect taxes or provide for a unified military. The Articles of Confederation did not have any means of resolving disputes between the states. The Articles of Confederation did not have a strong executive branch and could not create a unified currency. The Articles of Confederation did not allow for the direct participation of citizens in the government and it was difficult to amend the Articles of Confederation.These shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation led Americans to seek a stronger more effective government that could better meet the needs of the nation.

What were some reasons for the opposition to the Articles of Confederation?

The Articles of Confederation was the name given to the agreement made by the 13 original states of the United States. The main reason for opposition was that it required the states to give up any claims they had to lands further west. Some also felt that the Articles were too weak to make the United States effective, as there was nothing in the document about governance in terms of who would be president and how the judicial system would be handled.

Why were the articles of confederation so unsuccessfull for the US?

It established a weak national government with few powers. The only true power the government had under the Articles was to run the post office. A farmers' revolt called Shays' rebellion ended up proving the Articles were way too weak.

What is one reason that the consitutional convention decided they needed a document to replace the articles of confederation?

One of the primary reasons the Constitutional Convention decided they needed a document to replace the Articles of Confederation was because the Articles did not grant the federal government sufficient power to address the nation's needs. Under the Articles, the federal government had no power to levy or collect taxes, or to regulate commerce between the states. This lack of power meant that the federal government was unable to raise funds to pay off debts, or to provide for a military, which left the country vulnerable to foreign attack. Additionally, the federal government had no power to regulate trade and commerce between the states, which caused economic chaos and hindered the growth of the nation.In order to address these issues, the delegates at the Constitutional Convention decided that a new document was needed to replace the Articles of Confederation. This document, the Constitution of the United States, granted the federal government the power to:\tLevy taxes\tCollect revenue\tRaise an army\tRegulate commerce between the statesThese powers allowed the federal government to address the nation's needs, and paved the way for the growth and development of the United States.

Why did the writers of the Constitution feel it was necessary to create a new plan of government?

The Framers wrote the Constitution because they were thoroughly displeased with the system of government established by the Articles of Confederation, which as the name implies was theoretically a federation of independent states. They wanted to radically change the government and thus they did not use the Articles of Confederation as a starting point. In addition, the terms of the Constitution's ratification were different than those of the Confederation: for it to come into effect, only 9 states had to ratify for the Constitution. Since it can be argued that ultimately all the states eventually ratified the Constitution, this was apparentlly a legitimate amending of the Articles of the Confederation under the rules of the Articles. If 9-12 states approved, the Constitution would still come into effect in violation of the Articles rules forbidding any other alliance between states. One of the reasons for this is that if 9 or more states formed their own alliance, the other states would become fully independent and lose the trade and defense benefits of the Confederation, and this put additional pressure on the last ratifying states.

Related questions

The Articles of Confederation was the first governing document of the new US One of the main reasons the Articles of Confederation was ineffective was because?

Congress had the power to make decisions but not to enforce them.

What was One of the main reasons the Articles of Confederation was ineffective?

Congress had the power to make decisions but not to enforce them.

What was one of the main reasons articles of confederation was ineffective?

Congress had the power to make decisions but not to enforce them.

What was the main reasons for changing the articles of confederation?

They change it to Constitutional Convention because Articles of Confederation was to weak.

What were the reasons for the Articles of confederation distrusting a strong national government?

In the Articles of Confederation the reason they did not want a strong national government is because they do not want any one person to get very powerful like a monarchy.

What were the reasons for delays in ratification for articles of confederation?

the claim of 7 of 13 states

What is one reason that many people called for changes to the Articles of Confederation?

There were many reasons that led the people to call for changes to the Articles of Confederation. One such reason was because too many states fought among themselves which in turn weakened the government instead of united the colonies against Britain.

How was America weak under the Articles of Confederation?

The United States government was ineffective under the Articles of Confederation, for several reasons :The federal government could not levy taxes to operate.The unicameral Congress did not adequately represent the majority of the population (one state, one vote).There were no national armed forces.The central government could not enforce its laws equally or govern interstate commerce.

Why did Americans want a stronger government than the one created by the Articles of Confederation?

Americans wanted a stronger government than the Articles of Confederation provided for a number of reasons. The Articles of Confederation lacked the necessary powers to govern effectively leaving it unable to enforce laws collect taxes or provide for a unified military. The Articles of Confederation also did not have any means of resolving disputes between the states. Furthermore the Articles of Confederation did not have a strong executive branch and could not create a unified currency. Finally the Articles of Confederation did not allow for the direct participation of citizens in the government and it was difficult to amend the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation lacked the necessary powers to govern effectively leaving it unable to enforce laws collect taxes or provide for a unified military. The Articles of Confederation did not have any means of resolving disputes between the states. The Articles of Confederation did not have a strong executive branch and could not create a unified currency. The Articles of Confederation did not allow for the direct participation of citizens in the government and it was difficult to amend the Articles of Confederation.These shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation led Americans to seek a stronger more effective government that could better meet the needs of the nation.

What was one of the primary reasons that James Madison was displeased with the Articles of Confederation?

The central government had insufficient power to regulate commerce

Three reasons for the failure of the Articles of Confederation?

The Three Main Reasons was that their was no president, National court system,&amp;&amp; they couldn't force some colonies to give money to the congress.

What was the U.s. Constitution?

Before our current Constitution, there was the Articles of Confederation between the various states. For a variety of reasons, the Articles of Conferation proved unsatisfactory, and so a Convention was convened to debate the formation of a "a more perfect union" through a new Constitution.