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An investment.

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Q: Something that will keep its worth over a period of times can be used as a?
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HOW! ????There seems to be some confusion here. "Erection" is something that happens to men; a "period" is something that happens to women.

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what does monitor means?Monitor means in science to keep on checking on something over a period of time.

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Set an ultimatium that is something you/they don't want to lose! :D

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Yes, if you wait long enough and keep the in a good condition

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no. usually this occurrs when you are stressed out about something that is bothering you, it can cause your body to hold off on your period. most girls just have an irregular period. birth control can help keep your period on track.

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You can however most trial versions run out after a specified time period. In order to keep you from being able to use it again they place a key in your registry. Chris

What was the main tower of a castle in feudal times?

In the medieval period it was called a donjon. After the medieval period, when castles were no longer being built, the term used was "keep", a word that is widely used, incorrectly, today.

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Retain means to keep something.

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probably between slim and none, but keep them. i know people who walked into mcdonalds to get the DBZ standup when they were done with it, just to have it. they should be worth something someday, probably not someday soon.

Can you still get your period the same times of the month after not using the nuva ring?

When you stop using the Nuva Ring, the timing of your cycle may change. You may or may not keep getting your period at the same time of the month.

What is the main building in a fort called?

That would depend on the period (You haven't said WHICH period ) In the Middle ages it would have been the 'Keep' . In modern times it may be the HQ, the Armoury or the CIC ( Combay Information Centre.