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amendment 1v

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Q: Suppose your an attorney in a case your presenting to a federal court you argue that the person your defending suffered cruel and unusual punishment which amendment of the conststution should you cite?
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Suppose your an attorneyin a case your presenting to a federal courtyou argue that the person your defending suffered cruel and unusual punishmentwhich amendment of the Constitution should you cite?

The Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution.

Suppose you're and attorney in a case you're presenting to a federal court you argue that the person you're defending suffered cruel and unusual punishment which amendment of the constitution should y?

Amendment VIII The Eighth Amendment speaks for itself. Here's what it says: "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."

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Which amendment directly applies to the idea of colonists defending themselves?

amendment 2 Unless this was posed as a trick question in which case none, the amendments apply to Citizens not Colonist.

Which of the following amendments directly applies to the idea of colonists defending themselves?

Second Amendment by ACT love yall

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