No. Many groups, particularly African-Americans and women, have been denied rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The document itself was not written to discriminate against anyone; however, the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Constitution has been used to justify laws and policies withholding civil rights to such an extent that the Constitution had to be amended explicitly to extend protection to (almost) all classes of individuals.
u.s constitution of Federal Laws and treaties based upon ityour welcome❤
the ruling of state supreme courts are always the final judgment on a matter.
The Constitution is considered to be the "supreme law of the land". Therfore it is the highest law, always. Our judges and justices interpret the law the way it was meant to be understood by our founding fathers.
Except when there is a vacancy, there are always ninejustices on the U. S. Supreme Court.
It can always change because people think we need to have new laws. The constitution should never change!
The Constitution and the U.S. Supreme Court have not always recognized that all Americans have civil rights.
The constitution replaced the articles of confederation. The us constitution is what Americans should always live by.
The supreme law of the land means that when there is a conflict, the supreme law always wins. Article Six of the Constitution is called the Supremacy Clause. It states that Federal Laws always reign supreme in conflict with state law.
u.s constitution of Federal Laws and treaties based upon ityour welcome❤
Federal law comes first and then state law as said in the constitution.
There were no amendments added to the Constitution while Buchanan was in office. There are always Supreme Court decisions that interpret and clarify the Constitution.
Flexibility in the Constitution is important because new situations arise continually due to progress. These cases go in front of the Supreme Court. The principles of the Constitution are always upheld.
The Constitution is the "supreme law of the land" in the United States, and is always considered legal. The Judicial Branchevaluates laws to ensure they comply with constitutional principles.
Because Americans have always like the idea of a limited government that is not allowed to encroach on our basic rights
The United States Supreme Court has the final say. If the President, Congress or citizens on the US do not like the Court's interpretation of some particular wording , they will have to amend the Constitution to change the wording in such a way that it would be interpreted the way they would like it to be. Of course, the Supreme Court always has the ability to, at a later time, overrule such a decision, but that is simply confirming the fact that thet Supreme Court has the final say and can even change its mind.
Texas is still America so the same laws that are in the U.S. Constitution. As in every State when you move to that State you must first and foremost follow the States Constitution, the State has the supreme power in it's border's. Second they would have to have good knowledge of not only the State Constitution but also the U.S. Constitution which is the limitations on the federal government as well as a guarantee of the rights given to man by their creator. It is always a good idea to know your rights and the laws of the area you intend to live in.