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it must win broad support

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Q: The amendment process often takes a long time because?
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Explain why the amendment process is so difficult?

The amendment process is very difficult and time consuming: A proposed amendment must be passed by two-thirds of both houses of Congress, then ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states.

Why is the process that takes place in a mitochondrion often described as being the opposite of the process taht takes place in a chloroplast?

The process that takes place in a mitochondrion (cellular respiration) is often described as the opposite of the process that takes place in a chloroplast (photosynthesis) because they involve complementary reactions: photosynthesis uses light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen, while cellular respiration uses glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy in the form of ATP.

Amendment process involving written change to the constitution?

The Amendment process is the formal way to change the Constitution. An amendment may be proposed by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or by a convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures. Ratification of an amendment takes three-fourths of the states to approve.

How can an amendment be enacted?

The Amendment process is the formal way to change the Constitution. An amendment may be proposed by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or by a convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures. Ratification of an amendment takes three-fourths of the states to approve.

An amendment can be propsed by?

The Amendment process is the formal way to change the Constitution. An amendment may be proposed by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or by a convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures. Ratification of an amendment takes three-fourths of the states to approve.

How is it that the constitution has lasted this long with only 27 admendments?

The process to add an amendment is complicated. It takes states approval as well as 2/3 of congress.

Why is fermenation an anaerobic process?

because fermenation is a process that needs oygen to takes place and thats what anaerobic process does

How is a ammendment proposed?

The Amendment process is the formal way to change the Constitution. An amendment may be proposed by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or by a convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures. Ratification of an amendment takes three-fourths of the states to approve.

Why is the process that takes place in a mitochandrion often described as being the opposite of the proces that takes place in the chloroplasts?

I dont know I have the same question.

How are federal amendments made?

The Amendment process is the formal way to change the Constitution. An amendment may be proposed by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or by a convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures. Ratification of an amendment takes three-fourths of the states to approve.

How does the formal amendment process illustrate federalism?

The formal amendment process emphasizes the federal character of the governmental system. Proposal takes place at the national level, and ratification is a state-by-state matter. Also, when the constitution is amended, that action represents the expression of the people's sovereign will.

I have filed an amendment on my taxes and paid for it check is cashed and it shows on the IRS website that its been received. How long does a tax amendment show as processed?

I know it seems like forever but it takes just short of that. If it shows on the IRS website that it is received then it shouldn't be much longer. Normally I tell people it takes about 90 days for the IRS to process an amendment. Sounds like your very close though.