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Q: The tax plan of President George W Bush was soundly defeated by the US Senate?
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Who is President of the Senate in the US?

The Vice President of the US.The President of the Senate is the Vice President of the United States. This is currently Joseph R. Biden.

What official is the president of the senate?

The Vice President is the president of the Senate.

How official is the president of the senate?

The president of the senate is the Vice President.

Which us president saw two of his nominees from the us supreme court defeated for confirmation in the US Senate in 1969 and 1970?

Richard Nixon

Who was worried over fears that the US Senate would become an aristocracy and the President a king?

George Washington

Who is the leader of the senate when they are in session?

The U.S. Vice President is the President of the Senate. When he/she is absent or acting as President, the Senate President Pro Tempore is in charge.

Is the vice president chosen by senate?

No, but he or she is the president of the Senate.

Who is the president of the state senate?

The president of the state Senate is the presiding officer of a Senate. He is the successor of powers and responsibilities of the President.

Who did Lincoln beat in1846?

Stephen Douglas defeated Abraham Lincoln in the 1858 Illinois Senate election.

The person who serves as president of the senate?

the vice president serves as president of the senate

What elected official is the president ofthe senate?

The vice president is the president of the senate.

Who is the presiding office of the Senate?

== == == == the presiding officer in the senate is the vice president president of the senate