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Yes and no. The 5-4 US Supreme Court ruling in Bush v. Gore, 531 US 98 (2000) didn't directly award the Presidential Election to George W. Bush, but the Court's decision to stop the manual ballot recount in Florida had that effect, and the justices knew it would have that effect because Bush was leading Gore in the State's popular election by a mere 537 votes when the case was appealed.

The Supreme Court held a Florida Supreme Court recount of 70,000 disputed ballots violated the constitutional rights of Florida voters under the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause because the counting method was arbitrary and inconsistent.

When the US Supreme Court reversed the Florida Supreme Court, Bush was awarded Florida's 25 Electoral votes, giving him a total of 271 Electoral votes to Gore's 266, barely enough to put Bush in the White House.

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Q: Was Bush v Gore a decision by the US Supreme Court to decide who would be President?
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