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If you mean Canada west as Ontario then yes they were, for many reasons. The government kept changing in Canada east and west, it was hard to make big decisions they decided to create a new country called Canada, to solve these issues. When the Americans had a war over slavery, the British helped those who were for slavery, but when the people against slavery won, the province of Canada was afraid they would get attacked because they were a British colony, but if they were a separate country, the Americans would be nice to their new neighbor.

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Q: Was Canada west for or against confederation?
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Most West Canadiens were against the confederation for many reasons. A plan to build a railway over canada and their taxes being sent to Canada East

Why did Canada East join Confederation?

because the political deadlock was making it impossible to do anything in Canada east and Canada west. ================================================================ Technically, Canada East did not join Confederation. Canada East and Canada West were merely geographical designations, not political entities. The pre-Confederation Province of Canada was the political entity that joined Confederation. Immediately upon Confederation, the Province of Canada was divided into the Province of Québec and the Province of Ontario.

Did Canada West join Confederation?


What were the disadvantages for Canada West to join confederation in 1867?


What colonies were in confederation?

New Brunswick, Nova, Scotia , Canada East, Canada West.

How were the people of Canada east and west different?

Canada East and Canada West were not "created." They were merely geographical designations within the pre-Confederation Province of Canada.

Who were the first colonies to join confederation?

the first four colonies to join confederation were Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada East and Canada West.

Why did Canada west join the confederation?

Canada West didn't join confederation. It was the name given to what had been Upper Canada before it joined with Lower Canada to become the Province of Canada. This united province then confederated with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in 1867 and was split into Ontario and Quebec. One of the reasons Canada sought confederation with its neighbouring colonies was to resolve its own political deadlock between the primarily English Canada West and the primarily French Canada East. Other influences included the desire to build an inter-colony rail road, as well as the desire to strengthen British North America against attack by the United States.

What colonies were interested in confederation?

New Brunswick, Nova, Scotia , Canada East, Canada West.

Where did Confederation happen?

As a guess, confederation happened at the last conference, the London conference, on 1867.At that time only four provinces joined - *Canada East, *Canada West, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. At the second Conference which was the Quebec Conference. Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland didn't want to join Confederation. Canada East - Quebec \ Canada East and Canada West were called the United Provinces of Canada in 1841 Canada West- Ontario /

Who were the first four colonies to join confederation?

the first four colonies to join confederation were Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada East and Canada West.

When did Canada West join Confederation?

Canada West was never a separate political entity. The term was used to designate the area that used to be the colony of Upper Canada, i.e., the western part of the pre-Confederation Province of Canada.The Province of Canada joined Confederation on July 1, 1867, and was simultaneously divided into the Province of Ontario and the Province of Québec.