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Harry Truman, Ulysses Grant

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What three presidents died on the 4?

Both Adams and Jefferson died on July 4, 1826.

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Which two of the ten presidents died on July 4?

There have been 44 presidents, and 3 died on July 4. Adams and Jefferson both in 1826, and Monroe in 1831.

What two patriots died on July 4?

Presidents John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe all died on July 4.

Which two presidents died on the same daywhat was the date?

Presidents John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson passed away on July 4, 1826.

What three presidents died on July 4 two in 1826 one in 1831?

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died July 4, 1826; James Monroe died July 4, 1831.

Which three US Presidents died on July 4th?

Three US Presidents Who Died on Independence DayThree US Presidents died on July 4 (Independence Day) of whom two died in the same year: The second president of the US, John Adams, died on July 4, 1826.The third president of the US, Thomas Jefferson, died on July 4, 1826.The fifth president of the US, James Monroe, died on July 4, 1831.Additional infoSeven US presidents died in the month of July alone - more than any other month.

What presidents died on the fouth of July in the same year?

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4, 1826.

How many presidents died on pearl harbor?

no presidents died during pearl harbor

Which two of of the first ten presidents died on July 4?

Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and James Monroe all died on July 4th

Who were all the presidents thst lived in The White House?

William Henry Harrison (died April 4, 1841) and Zachary Taylor(died July 9, 1850) are the only two president who died in the White House. Six other presidents died in office, but they died in places other than Washington.

Three presidents that died on July 4th in 1826 and one in 1831?

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died July 4, 1826 and James Monroe in 1831.