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Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan's expedition of 1519-1522 became the first expedition sailing west from Europe to Asia, and the first to cross the Pacific. It also completed the first circumnavigation of the earth.

The first to circumnavigate the globe, which Drake also did, was the Magellan expedition.


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9y ago

Christopher Columbus was the first explorer to attempt to reach Asia by sailing west from Spain. Columbus set out to reach the East Indies, but instead landed in the Americas.

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15y ago

Magellans Expedition. Magellan himsef was killed in the Philippines.

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9y ago

Ferdinand Magellan made it possible to reach Asia by ship. He was the first explorer to successfully plan a journey to Asia and succeed in his journey.

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Christopher Columbus

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3y ago
NOOOOOO ITS NOT °_° its not an answer

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16y ago

Vasco da Gama

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Christopher Columbus

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It was Christoper Coulumbus

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Q: What European explorer discovered a sea route to Asia?
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What happened in the process of European countries looking for a sea route to Asia?

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a land route to Asia

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to find a western trade route to Asia

Who sent the explorer Verrazano to search for a route to Asia?

King Francis I of France sent him to look for a sea route west to Asia.

Who first discovered the route to Asia in 1497?

Vasco da Gama was the first to discover the route to Asia in 1497.

What did many explorer search for but never found?

many european explorers tried to find a trade route 2 asia, but many of them, well most of them never found it

What did Vasco da Gama discover?

He discovered the Western Route to Asia, a water route to Asia instead of the silk road.

What country sent the explorer verrazano to search a route to Asia?

It was France.

Who was the first explorer to find sea route from Europe to Asia?


Why did European merchants eventually seek a sea route to Asia?

Carrying cargo by ship was faster, easier, cheaper and less dangerous than carrying it by land.

Why did European traders begin to travel to Asia by sea?

There are many reasons for that decision taken by the traders. 1. In general transporting will be cheap if you take the route via sea than the land. (Ref: An inquiry into the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith) 2. before European traders discovered the sea route to Asia, they use to take the land route, which passes via the middle east. And when once the sea routes were discovered the costs of many imported goods fell to one third of its value. So the European traders started to travel to Asia by the sea.

What was the main of the European exploration?

to find a trade route to Asia