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Executive Orders are generally orders to staff of the executive branch and not to citizens. Article I, Section 1 of the US Constitution specifically reserves all federal legislative authority to Congress, not the president.

A Presidential Proclamation is a statement issued by a President on a matter of public policy. They are generally defined as, "The act of causing some state matters to be published or made generally known. A written or printed document in which are contained such matters, issued by proper authority; as the president's proclamation, the governor's, the mayor's proclamation."

In short, presidents "define" situations or conditions on situations that become legal or economic truth. These orders carry the same force of law as executive orders - the difference between the two is that executive orders are aimed at those inside government while proclamations are aimed at those outside government

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Q: What are executive orders and proclamations and how do they differ?
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Executive Orders The President is the nations's chief executive and has inherent powers to issue executive orders. These orders carry out policies described in laws that have been passed by Congress. The orders have the force of law.

What are executive orders?

Executive Orders are generally orders from the President of the United States to staff of the executive branch and not to citizens. Article I, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution specifically reserves all federal legislative authority to Congress, not the president.

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US Presidential Executive Orders are published in the Federal Register and online at the web site. The Federal Register is the Daily Journal of the United States Government.

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The last five presidents have signed more than 100 executive orders.

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Walter S Albano has written: 'Executive orders' -- subject(s): Executive orders, Implied powers (Constitutional law), Executive power

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The Philippine government.