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Q: What are other names of potassium?
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Related questions

Names of Potassium's family members?

these are in alkali metal groupsso the names are hydrogen, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium

Chemical formula of potassium di carbonate?

KHCO3Three names for the same:potassium bicarbonate,potassium dicarbonate,potassium hydrogencarbonate

What are the old names for sodium and potassium?

Also in use are the names natrium and kalium: they are not obsolete.

What are the names of elements in KOH?

The elements in KOH are potassium (K), oxygen (O), and hydrogen (H).

How are the letters in a Periodic Table chosen?

some elements have their symbols directly from their names. Eg: oxygen-O,nitrogen-N some get symbols from their latin names. eg: Potassium-K from Kalium (Latin for potassium)

How is potassium removed from other elements?

potassium is removed from elements by evaporation

What are the products of potassium?

Potassium produces potassium hydroxide when reacted with water. It can also form various salts, such as potassium chloride, potassium nitrate, and potassium sulfate, when combined with other elements or compounds.

What are the other names for tartaric acid?

Another name for tartaric acid is dihydroxysuccinic acid. It is also sometimes referred to as cream of tartar when in its potassium salt form.

What are the names of the 2 ions necessary to create an electric current in a nerve fiber?


What country can you get the metal potassium from?

Kazakhstan is Number 1 exporter of potassium. Other central Asian countries have inferior potassium.

What important mineral do bananas contain a large amount of?

Potassium Along with other fruits like pomegranite Potassium Along with other fruits like pomegranite Potassium Along with other fruits like pomegranite

Does potassium form anions?

No. Like other metals potassium forms a monatomic cation.