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Q: What are the major features of colonial governments?
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How where colonial and state governments different?

Colonial and State Governments are different by: Colonial = had been rules by royal governors who where appointed by the British king. Governments = had the power to dismiss elected assemblies.

How where the colonial governments arranged?


What are words that start with the letter E from colonial times?

Excise tax was charged on liquor by the colonial governments. It was a significant source of income for the governments.

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What key practices among the colonial governments became a part of your nations system of government?

What key practices among the colonial governments became a part of your nations system of government?

What are the features of africa colonial economy?

The features of Africa colonial economy is that most of the countries inherited the structures from the colonialists.

What aretwo undemocratic features of the colonial america?

Two undemocratic features of the colonial America were slavery and unequal voting rights

In colonial governments, what was the lower house of the legislature called?


What does it mean to overthrow colonial governments?

To overthrow colonial governments means to remove the ruling authority of the colonial power from a particular region or country. This can occur through various means such as protests, revolutions, or armed conflicts, leading to an end of colonial rule and establishment of independence or self-governance.

What are some geography features of colonial Virgina?

It was colonial virginia...ask my gramps. )=

Who has the power to keep existing colonial militias and governments?

luid ramierz